Agriculture Environment and Water

HB2056 - Geoengineering; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Lisa Fink (R)
Summary: Prohibits any person in Arizona from engaging in “Geoengineering” (defined). Requires the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to investigate any credible reports of geoengineering in Arizona, and actively encourage the public to monitor, document and report any instances of geoengineering in Arizona. Requires any person who gathers evidence of geoengineering in Arizona to submit the evidence, including the location of the evidence gathered, by e-mail or in writing to ADEQ, law enforcement or public officials. Requires law enforcement or any public officials who receive evidence of geoengineering and has reasonable grounds to suspect a violation of this legislation has occurred, to forward the evidence within 24 hours after receipt to ADEQ. Requires ADEQ, within two hours of receiving credible reports of geoengineering, to conduct emergency measures to determine whether it has occurred, where, and if an individual has violated this legislation. Stipulates that this includes any geoengineering that has the approval of the federal government. If a violation of this legislation is discovered, ADEQ is directed to issue a formal notice to the person or organization engaging in geoengineering activities informing them that their activities are illegal and directing them to cease any related activity. Lists specific geoengineering activities that ADEQ must investigate,  and requires ADEQ to publicly post any notice issued in regards to Geo engineering activities. Classified a violation of this legislation to be a Class 4 Felony and outlines civil penalties per violation.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:56 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - Referred to Committee - Natural Resources, Energy & Water - House Natural Resources, Energy & Water

HB2059 - Natural resources; federal law; requirements
Sponsor: Rep. Lisa Fink (R)
Summary: Prohibits Arizona, a subdivision of Arizona, or an employee of the government of Arizona or its political subdivisions, from using state monies, accepting federal grants for, or enforcing certain, listed federal laws, Acts, orders, rules or regulations that relates to air quality, water quality, wildlife management. Creates an exception for the state and affected employees complying with a court order and requires any questions about any federal actions pertaining to the topics above to be addressed in an official Arizona court. Requires the courts to address any related matters with no deference to prior court determinations. Violation of this legislation is subject to a civil penalty of $3,000 the first time and on a subsequent violation becomes a Class 1 Misdemeanor with eligibility restrictions. Contains legislative Findings, is severable and is entitled the “Natural Resources Anticommandeering Act.” AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:57 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2082 - TPT; exemption; wastewater; pipes
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Adds the gross proceeds of the sale of wastewater to the list of required deductions from the tax base and exemptions. Stipulates that the tax period begins on the first day of the month following the general effective date. AS PASSED HOUSE
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:59 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - DP   - Senate Finance

HB2084 - Domestic water improvement districts; hauling
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Allows an Improvement District to be created for the construction and operation of waterworks or a domestic water delivery system that is used for water hauling. Authorizes the Board of Directors to order actions pertaining waterworks, including buying, construction, repairing or maintaining wells and standpipes for the same purpose. Permits eminent domain under specific circumstances pertaining to the construction or legal access to a single well and a standpipe. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:56 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

HB2086 - Water improvements program; water hauling
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Adds water hauling for water delivery to the list of activities a county Board of Supervisors can establish a program for gifts, grants or donations to cover. Adds acquiring or installing one or more storage tanks for receiving and storing water delivered through water hauling to the required restrictions to the program mentioned above.AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:54 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2087 - Appropriation; groundwater recharge facilities; maintenance
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Appropriates $250,000 from the Arizona State General Fund in FY 2025-2026 to the Arizona State Natural Water Resource Conservation Board to clean and restore groundwater recharge facilities that meet certain criteria. Exempts this appropriation from lapsing appropriation provisions. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:55 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2088 - Subsequent AMA; director; removal
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to periodically review areas in a Subsequent Active Management Area to verify that the area in question continues to meet the criteria for inclusion in an Active Management Area, pursuant to state law. Permits the ADWR To remove the Subsequent Active Management Area designation if it determines an area no longer meets the criteria for eligibility. Requires the ADWR To hold a public meeting when it proposes to remove a Subsequent Active Management Area designation and lists the issues that the public meeting must address. Defines notice and location requirements for any public meeting being held to address the topics above. Requires the ADWR to formally file an order to designate an area as outside of an Active Management Area and defines the information that must be included in the order. Requires the ADWR to modify and file a map in the office of the county recorder of the county or counties where the Active Management Area is located that reflects the new designation. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:59 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2089 - Subsequent AMA; voters; removal
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Defines the process, timeline and requirements for affected voters who reside within the boundaries of a Subsequent Active Management Area to petition each appropriate county office to remove the Subsequent Active Management Area designation. Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR,) upon receipt of notice of a valid petition for removal from an Active Management Area to examine the groundwater condition in question within 60 days, and the appropriate response from the ADWR based on that investigation. Defines how, if the ADWR determines an area may be removed from a Subsequent Active Management Area, the issue is to be presented to voters in an election and the administrative process the counties must use to address the issue. Defines the wording of the question of whether to remove an area from an Active Management Area that is to be on the election ballot. Permits an order issued on this matter to be appealed pursuant to state law. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:59 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2090 - Acting in concert; evidence; exceptions
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Provides a lookback period of 10 years for the prohibition of parties acting in concert to divide a land parcel into six or more parcels. Requires an acknowledgment in writing from parties looking to divide a land parcel into six or more lots, plots or parcels, attesting they are aware that the county in question or the Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRI,) or both, may investigate land divisions that happened within 10 years if they suspect parties acting unlawfully in concert. Exempts certain types of parties from the parties acting in concert unlawfully provisions. Prohibits a real estate sales contract, conveyance, lease, assignment, or other instrument to transfer any interest in subdivided land, and any covenant or restriction affecting real property, from containing any provision limiting the right of any party to appear or testify in support of or opposition to zoning provisions, building permits, or any other official acts affecting real property. Stipulates that this legislation does not prohibit private restrictions on the use of any real property. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:54 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2091 - Land division; applicant submissions; review
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires a new construction building permit or land division applicant to declare any ownership interests in the property subject to the permit at the time the application is submitted, and defines the wording that must be used on an application pertaining to property ownership of the subject of the building permit application or the land division proposal. Defines the wording that must be used on a notice of intent that must be submitted to the Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) before subdivided lands are put up for sale or lease. Creates exemptions for compliance with reporting requirements of this legislation and lists stipulations that permit the ADRE to exempt by special order. Stipulates that this legislation does not prohibit in any way an individual or group from appearing or testifying in support or opposition of any proposed land changes.AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:57 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2092 - Land divisions; disclosure affidavit; recording
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires a seller of land provide a buyer with a written Affidavit of Disclosure, when required by law, and details how the Affidavit of Disclosure is to be recorded. Adds verbiage to the formal affidavit pertaining to wells, water and wastewater treatment facilities registration, repair, and maintenance, as is applicable. Adds other verbiage to the form pertaining to the seller, trustees, and trusts. Clarifies that a seller or subsequent seller does not include a personal representative acting on behalf of an estate that is selling a property. AS PASSED HOUSE
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:57 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2093 - Subdivided lands; violations; civil penalties
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The civil penalty for a subdivider or real estate agent who violates regulations on subdivided land is up to $2,000 for each lot where a violation occurs, instead of up to $2,000 for “each infraction” where a single infraction could concern more than one lot in a subdivision. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:58 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

HB2094 - Real estate; definition of contiguous
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Modifies the definition of “contiguous” to include lots, parcels or fractional interests that are separated by a private road or street and does not include the same separated by a public road, street or highway that has been dedicated to and accepted by Arizona or by any political subdivision of the state. Repeals the five-year continuous public use requirement. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:58 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2103 - Appropriation; Colorado River Compact; defense
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Appropriates $1,000,000 from the general fund in FY2025-26 to the department of water resources to defend, protect and enforce this state's allocation of Colorado River water under the Colorado River Compact of 1922.AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:55 AM

1/14 added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:07 PM

1/21 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:12 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:

HB2201 - Wildfire mitigation planning; utilities; approval (Technical correction; electricity; power authority)
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Stipulates that this legislation does not constitute a new cause of action and establishes that if there is a conflict of laws, this legislation overrides the conflicting law. Requires public power and electric entities to prepare and submit a Wildfire Mitigation Plan, sets deadlines to submit the plan, and outlines how the public power or electric entity should go about developing the plan. Sets the criteria for the Arizona Department of Forestry for evaluating each submitted plan. Establishes follow-up schedules and required actions by the public power or electric entity. Defines the content that must go into each plan. Establishes legal procedures, allowances, permissions, restrictions, prohibitions and limitations for a public power entity, including actions filed as the result of a wildfire.  Contains a severability clause. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:47 PM

2/6 PA recommended and approved support

Last Action:
S - DPA   - Senate Finance

HB2202 - Subsequent AMA; previously nonirrigated land
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Permits the irrigation of land that was not previously subject to irrigation, upon a determination of irrigation grandfathered rights by the Arizona Department of Water Resources, If the land is adjacent to a farm unit or parcel that was previously subject to irrigation and the irrigation of the land would not cause the individual irrigating the land to exceed the volume of groundwater awarded by an irrigation groundwater drape. Applies the act retroactively 2, from, and after, August 29, 2022. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:57 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2203 - Historical water use; subsequent AMA
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Expands the look back. From 5 to 10 years, pursuant to state law, pertaining to the definition of “service area of an irrigation district” (defined) and uses that 10 year designation to aid in establishing requirements, permissions, and restrictions pertaining to the withdrawal of groundwater. Applies this legislation retroactively too, front, and after, August 29, 2022. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:57 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2204 - Assured water supply; commingling
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Amends water supply requirements for subdivision developments. Specifies that, when determining whether sufficient groundwater, surface water or effluent is available to meet a proposed use, the director may only consider the proposed water sources dedicated to that use, even if the water system commingles sources. Prohibits the director from requiring subdividers to secure or dedicate water supplies that exceed 100% of the water needed for their proposed use. The bill is declared an emergency measure, making it effective immediately to address urgent public needs related to water supply management. Contains an emergency clause. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:57 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2223 - Wind farms; construction; policies; procedures
Sponsor: Rep. David Marshall, Sr. (R)
Summary: Requires that any “wind farm” (defined) that is developed within a renewable energy incentive district, to comply with the requirements as defined by state law. Outlines the permitting process for counties and municipalities pertaining to the development and construction of “wind farms” (defined), including requirements for issuing permits for the applicant and by the county or municipality. Defines the records that must be kept pertaining to a wind farm and any inspections that must happen to maintain compliance with the permits. Defines the process of transferring ownership of a wind farm. Outlines required mitigation strategies the developer of a wind farm must possess regarding the impact the wind farm will have on the surrounding community. Permits an individual to file a referendum petition against the issuance of the wind farm construction or conditional use permit and outlines how that petition is to be taken to the voters. Prohibits the placement of a wind farm within six miles of any property owned by another person, unless the property owner consents to the location of the wind farm in writing, and within 12 miles of any property that is zoned for residential use. Outlines required public notice processes and required approvals a wind farm owner must secure before any permitting process is permitted to move forward. Establishes the Wind Farm Health Impacts Study Committee, its membership, scope and responsibilities. This legislation applies retroactively to, from and after December 31, 2024. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:55 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - Hearing Scheduled - 03/20/2025 - Third Reading, House Floor

HB2232 - On-site wastewater treatment; general permit
Sponsor: Rep. Laurin Hendrix (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to issue by rule a general permit for a defined class of facilities provided certain listed criteria are met. Adds that a liquid effluent collection system pursuant to state law counts as a wastewater treatment facility, and that until revised rules are in place for onsite water treatment facilities with a minimum design flow of three thousand gallons per day that does not exceed seventy-five thousand gallons per day, the facility may discharge under a general permit if the facility complies with general permit rules that are in effect on the effective date of this legislation, and the facility is operated by a service provider that is certified by the technology manufacturer. Describes criteria that must be included in an addendum issued by ADEQ that is attached to general permit authorization and exempts fees created for this legislation from external requirements pursuant to state law. Requires that within 180 days after the effective date of revised rules, a permittee, pursuant to this legislation, will transition a facility consistent with the revised on site wastewater treatment facility permit program. Prohibits ADEQ from duplicating fees for the transition. Defines the rules a liquid effluent collection system must meet to discharge pursuant to a general permit. Stipulates that the legislature intends that ADEQ base fees on direct and indirect costs associated with the type of activity for which a fee is assessed.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:54 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
G - Transmit to Governor

HB2270 - Groundwater model; stormwater recharge; AMAs
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires the Department of Water Resources to update its groundwater modeling rules for Active Management Areas so that any natural, incidental, or artificial stormwater recharge created by new or existing infrastructure is factored into future projections, and it must assume that this additional recharge will offset some portion of future groundwater use, effectively recognizing the impact of developed infrastructure on replenishing aquifers and further requires the Department to update the groundwater model annually to reflect any newly identified stormwater recharge, ensuring that management and planning efforts incorporate current data. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:53 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2271 - Supply and demand; assessment; groundwater
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Adds new data requirements for the Department of Water Resources’ s five-year groundwater supply and demand assessments in each groundwater basin. Mandates  inclusion of the average depth-to-static level and its net change over the previous five years, the maximum depth of bedrock and the average depth to bedrock, and details about active index wells such as their total number, average distance apart, and distribution or density. Requires reporting of the total volume of groundwater available, estimates of how many years that supply would last based on current rates of increase or decline, and tracking of both the total number of active and passive stormwater and groundwater recharge projects and the volume of increased recharge from those projects over each of the five preceding years. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:53 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2272 - Municipal separate storm sewer system
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: This bill clarifies that counties must follow Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) requirements as well as federal Clean Water Act requirements when implementing stormwater programs. Defines “county” to apply only to those operating a “regulated small municipal separate storm sewer system,” ensuring that local regulations align with both federal and state standards without being more stringent than federal law.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:53 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2273 - Lottery; on-farm irrigation efficiency fund
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: After appropriations and deposits have been made, $50,000,000 of the funds left in the Arizona State Lottery Fund in FYs 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 will be deposited into the On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Fund.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:52 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
HB2297 - Designation; assured water supply; offset
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to consider all water resources, including stored water outside the “area of impact” (defined) when considering new applications for a designation of Assured Water Supply in an Active Management Area. Defines the formula to use to determine if a body of water is eligible for use under this legislation and lists stipulations that must be met to secure a modification of a designation of Assured Water Supply. Stipulates that a designation term is 15 years And permits a designated provider to request an expedited modification of the designation provided certain, listed criteria are met. Requires AHCCCs to investigate the finances of an applicant to ensure they have the financial ability to construct delivery, storage and treatment systems. Creates criteria that serves as proof of financial viability, pursuant to state law. Requires two-thirds of the members of the Arizona legislature to vote in favor of the legislation. Contains an Emergency Clause.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:52 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - FAILED   - House Third Reading

HB2298 - Physical availability exemption credit; groundwater (Technical correction; management goals; AMAs)
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Minor change in Title 45 (Waters) related to the groundwater code. Apparent striker bus.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:51 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2299 - Assured water supply; certificate; model
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires the Department of Water Resources to review assured water supply applications and issue a written determination of action within 15 days of receipt of an application for an assured water supply upon request of the applicant, if the application is for the Phoenix active management area, was submitted between January 26, 2021 and May 31, 2023, and the applicant has not received a certificate of assured water supply or had an application denied. Requires the Department of Water Usage to use the 2006-2009 Salt River valley regional model, or the 2006 Lower Hassayampa Sub-Basin groundwater flow model, and financial information submitted by the applicant, and notify all eligible applicants of the ability to have determinations of assured water supply reviewed within five days of the bill being enacted. Imposes a 90-day window from enactment of the bill for applicants to request a review and stipulates that the section is repealed effective January 1, 2026. Contains an Emergency Clause.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:51 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - FAILED   - House Third Reading

HB2300 - Electric vehicle charging stations; report
Sponsor: Rep. Leo Biasiucci (R)
Summary: Requires any public entity that approves or permits an electric vehicle charging station for public or private use on public property, show report as soon as is practicable to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), the location of the charging station, and the total number of parking spots designated for charging. Requires ADOT to compile and update on a weekly basis, a list of all electric vehicle charging stations in Arizona and posts it on the ADOT website.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:51 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  03/23/2025 4:48 PM

3/21 PA recommended and approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2408 - DWR; compact call; curtailment; appropriation
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Appropriates $1,000,000 from the Long-Term Water Augmentation Fund in FY 2025-2026 to the Arizona Department of Water Resources to protect the rights of Arizona under the Colorado River Compact of 1922 and enforce any provision thereof. Self repeals after June 30, 2026. Contains and emergency clause.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:45 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2412 - Augmentation; Phoenix; Pinal; Tucson; AMA
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Permits the long-term augmentation fund to be used for projects that create new water sources within Arizona and to purchase new water or rights to use new water created in Arizona. Prohibits monies issued for the latter purpose to be used to purchase existing water or rights unless said purchases are related to the creation of new water or rights. Requires at least 75% of monies remaining in the long-term augmentation fund as of the effective date of the amendment be used to fund water supply development projects that supply imported or new water to end users located within the Phoenix, Pinal or Tucson Active Management Areas.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:45 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2413 - Effluent; proportional share; recharge; compensation
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Requires municipal providers with exclusive water service areas to compensate eligible customers for the full market value of wastewater effluent the provider receives from that customer that is not recharged back into the customer’s Active Management Area. Classifies wastewater effluent that is not recharged and is generated by an eligible customer becomes that customer’s property. Requires the municipal provider to calculate the proportionate monetary value of wastewater received by an eligible customer and provides criteria that must be factored into determining the customer’s total wastewater effluent, and to compensate the customer via billing credits. Defines what is included as an effluent that a municipal provider recharges in an eligible customers Active Management Area. Defines a process by which the eligible customer or the eligible customer’s agent may file a formal complaint with the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) if the eligible customer feels a municipal water provider is not adhering to this legislation and defines the process that the ADWR must follow to address the complaint. Provides that if a municipal provider is found by a court or the ADWR to have miscalculated an eligible customers proportional share and under compensated the eligible customer, the municipal provider is liable to the eligible customer for damages, attorney fees, and interest. 
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:45 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2414 - Remedial groundwater incentives; PFAS
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Determines that a person who uses remedial groundwater while applying for or holding a certificate or designation of Assured Water Supply complies with the goals of an Active Management Area where the remedial groundwater is withdrawn. Establishes the process for the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) two determine compliance of an individual with a management goal. Permits the ADWR to approve withdrawals that meet listed criteria as consistent with the management goal of the Active Management Area where the remedial groundwater is withdrawn. Lists exceptions to that determination and prohibitions on the ADWR from determining certain withdrawals are consistent with area program goals. Defines the rules that govern remediated groundwater withdrawals of 250 acre feet or less, and metering, documentation and notice requirements for certain withdrawals. Requires the ADWR to begin accepting applications for the remedial groundwater program established pursuant to this legislation, within 90 days after the effective date of the legislation. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:44 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2415 - Basin-fill aquifers; groundwater; correlative rights
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Stipulates that a landowner who may legally irrigate with groundwater because of an irrigation grandfathered right, if the land is located in an Active Management Area, may permanently retire the land from irrigation in anticipation of a future, non-irrigation use, and retain a physical availability credit. Permits, with a physical availability credit, a landowner to withdraw water from, or receive water for, the land, if certain listed criteria are met, in the amount calculated via a state formula, as defined in this legislation. List the rules that govern the use of a physical availability credit and guidelines for the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to use when deciding whether to issue a Certificate of Assured Water Supply. Defines the Arizona revised statutes that govern administrative proceedings, rehearing, review or judicial review of final decisions by the ADWR. Requires the ADWR to find that the amount of groundwater calculated is physically available for assured water supply purposes in accordance with this legislation, and the projected use of groundwater that is determined to be available for assured water supply purposes is consistent with the achievement of the management goal in accordance with this legislation.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:44 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2418 - Income tax; credit; savings plans
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Permits a credit against the taxes imposed in this legislation for contributions made during the taxable year to a college savings plan established pursuant to Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code on behalf of a designated beneficiary for the taxable years beginning on January 1, 2026. Requires, beginning on January 1, 2027, the Arizona Department of Revenue to adjust the dollar amount prescribed in this legislation to the average annual change in the Metropolitan Phoenix Consumer Price Index, but stipulates that the dollar amount cannot be revised downward below the amount allowed in the prior taxable year. Requires the revised dollar amount to be raised to the nearest whole dollar. Permits a tax credit carry forward in the amount of all unused portions of the credit, when appropriate, up to five consecutive taxable years of income tax liability. Prohibits a taxpayer from claiming a credit allowed in this legislation under certain listed circumstances.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:28 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2518 - Employment; prohibitions; corporation commission
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Olson (R)
Summary: Prohibits an entity overseen by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to enter into any type of business contract with anyone that served as a Commissioner in the preceding two calendar years. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:34 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2527 - Corporation commission; electricity; reliability; management
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Olson (R)
Summary: Prohibits the Arizona Corporate Commission (Commission) from approving the retirement of an “electric generation facility” (defined) unless there is a new facility with equal or greater power generation potential that is presently available on the grid. Requires the Commission to consider imminent and planned power closures in Arizona and other member states of the Regional Transmission Organization when calculating the amount of replacement power available. Requires the Commission to calculate retired electric generation facility output from other states if those states are not replacing the power source, and to add those shortages to power replacement calculations before approving any closure. Defines how the Commission must estimate increased “dispatchable” (defined) electricity needs to prioritize new electric generation facilities that are from dispatchable sources. Directs Arizona and the Commission to seek a waiver until there is a replacement “firm power” (defined) plant available to the electric grid that would replace a retiring power plant, if federal government regulations require costly upgrades or other expenses that would lead to the closure of an existing firm power plant, and an injunction on the regulations if the waiver is denied. Requires an electric generation facility to inform the Commission within 30 days after the facility receives notice of an external regulatory action that would make the continued operation economically unfeasible and defines how the Commission must take that information and act on it. Permits the Commission and the Arizona Attorney General to use legislative appropriations to effectuate this legislation.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:34 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2542 - State contracts; foreign adversary; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: Prohibits a foreign adversary company from bidding on, submitting a proposal, or entering into a contract with an Arizona agency or political subdivision for goods or services, and requires each  company that submits a bid or a proposal for a state contract for goods or services, to submit a certification letter to the Arizona Department of Administration (ADA) stipulating that the company is not owned, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by a foreign adversary. Outlines actions the ADA must take when it discovers a company has submitted a certification letter that is false or misleading, and the penalties to the company for doing so. Lists exclusions to the prohibition of doing business with a foreign adversary. Entitles this legislation the “Protection Procurement Act.” AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:33 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2543 - Agricultural lessees; energy projects; compensation
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: Prohibits a business from contracting or subcontracting with a resident or business in Arizona to construct a solar or wind energy project that reduces the size of an agricultural lessees agricultural operation, unless the business compensates the “agricultural lessee” (defined) for listed losses and costs. Requires the agricultural lessee to provide the business with credible evidence that certifies any loss or cost, before a business releases any compensation pursuant to this legislation. Requires, that in addition to any compensation, the business must secure a new lease that is of equal or greater value for the agricultural lessee. Stipulates that the business is not required to compensate the agricultural lessee if it constructs the solar or wind energy project in a way that allows the agricultural lessee to continue their current agricultural operation.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:33 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2548 - Subsequent AMA; designation; petition; election
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: Permits the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to designate an area of Subsequent Active Management Area if specific, listed steps are met. Prohibits the ADWR from designating any groundwater basin is a Subsequent Active Management area without the approval of a majority of votes cast at an election pursuant to state law. Requires a public meeting be held if the ADWR proposes a Subsequent Active Management Area to discuss whether to make the designation, and to request a petition from the county recorder of the county proposed Subsequent Active Management Area. Outlines the process to consider public comment and determine to move forward with a Subsequent Active Management Area. Permits a groundwater basin not included in the initial Active Management Area to be designated as such if certain, listed conditions are met. Excludes the ADWR from the normal number of required signers. Defines how the ADWR is to proceed if voters approve the new management area or associated designation. Applies retroactively to December 18, 2024. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:32 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2549 - Appropriation; subsequent AMA; assistance grants
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: Appropriates a sum to be named later from the Arizona State General Fund in FY 2025-2026 to the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona to award financial assistance grants to provide financial assistance to persons that own land and a groundwater basin that has been designated as a “Subsequent Active Management Area” (defined). The monies appropriated are to be spent to contract for services of outside advisors, attorneys, consultants and aides, as is necessary to enable persons to challenge the designation of the Subsequent Active Management Area, the management goal or plan the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) adopts for the transition, and the maximum amount of groundwater ADWR computes the persons may use in the aforementioned area.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:32 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2550 - Department of water resources; review
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: The statutory life of the Arizona Department of Water Resources is extended 1 year to January 1, 2027.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:32 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2551 - Grandfathered right; Willcox AMA; extension
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: Requires a person claiming a right to withdrawal or receive and use groundwater in the Wilcox Active Management Area pursuant to a grandfathered right, to file an application for a Certificate of Grandfathered Right with the Arizona Department of water resources no later than 21 months after the date of the designation of the Active Management Area on a form provided by the ADWR. Self-repeals on January 1, 2027, and applies retroactively to, from and after, January 7, 2025. Contains an emergency clause. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:31 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2567 - Replenishment obligation; one hundred-year period
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Permits a district to acquire, hold, exchange, own, lease or purchase enough water or water rights to fulfill the district's expected replenishment obligation for the next 100 years.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:29 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2568 - Conservation requirements; industrial water use
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires that for each “qualifying Active Management Area” (defined), the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) must include in a management plan adopted pursuant to state law, conservation requirements for industrial uses that are within and outside of the service area of a designated service provider, and, beginning on the effective date of this legislation, are not subject to any conservation requirements greater than a requirement to submit a plan to improve the efficiency of water use, and use greater than 100 acre feet of water per year. Prohibits, except as provided by law, a management plan, the ADWR, any political subdivision of Arizona, or any modifications to a management plan from requiring a person who uses water for an industrial use to obtain a Certificate of Assured Water Supply, develop within the service area of a municipal provider designated as having an Assured Water Supply, or enrolls in member lands in a multi county water conservation district or otherwise meet a replenishment obligation pursuant to state law. Stipulates that conservation requirements that are adopted pursuant to this legislation must include on-site water reuse, recycling and efficiency requirements.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:29 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2569 - Certificate; residential lease community; water
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: For applications submitted after September 30, 2025, a person seeking a building permit or approved building plan for one or more residential dwellings in a “residential lease community” (defined), or “multifamily residential property” (defined) in a “qualifying Active Management Area” (defined), must first obtain a Certificate of Assured Water Supply from the Arizona Department of Water Resources or a written commitment of water service from a city, town, or private water company, and pay all applicable fees, pursuant to state law, and include proof of payment with the application. Permits a governing body to approve a building permit or plan application with no regard for any proposed lease terms for the property in question. Requires the “Water Conservation District” (defined) (District) to levy a one-time activation fee against all units to be constructed within the residential lease community and an annual membership payment for specific, listed types of housing units. Lists how prorated fee amounts in specific circumstances are to be allocated. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:29 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2570 - Temporary non-expansion area
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Permits the designation of a Temporary Non Expansion area in any location not included in an Active Management Area or an Irrigation Non Expansion Area to be initiated by petition to the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) and lists the requirements to have the petition accepted. Requires the form of the petition to be substantially similar to an initiative petition, and the applicant for the petition to comply with applicable state law, except that the duties required of the Arizona Secretary of State are to be performed by the County Recorder of the county in which the plurality of registered voters in the groundwater basin or subbasin reside. Prohibits a petition from being accepted more than 180 days after the date of submission. Details the process the ADWR must follow to verify the petitioner's names and residencies, and on verification that a sufficient number of people signed the petition in support of establishing a Temporary Non Expansion Area, requires the ADWR to hold a meeting, pursuant to state law, on the issue. Outlines the procedures to be followed during public meetings, including notice requirements. Defines the process of the election that is to be held to approve or deny the designation by eligible electors. Establishes rules governing Temporary Non Expansion Areas, and processes necessary to gain an exception to the rules for any land or water use within the Temporary Non Expansion Area. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:28 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2571 - Stormwater infrastructure; groundwater recharge; credit
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: States that a “person” (defined) who develops infrastructure in an Active Management Area that results in a recharge of groundwater deserves to earn and hold physical availability credits in an amount equal to the volume of recharged water, over a period of 100 years. Permits a person to apply physical availability credits towards an Assured Water Supply, pursuant to this legislation. Directs the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to adopt rules to implement this legislation and promote new construction of facilities that are eligible to earn physical availability credits via natural, incidental or artificial recharge, and lists the methods that can bring that about. Defines the structure and content that adopted rules for this legislation must follow and include, including the methodologies to be employed to project recharge over the course of the useful life of the infrastructure. Stipulates that any person that applies for physical availability credits, pursuant to this legislation, is exempt from the permitting requirements pursuant to state law.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:28 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2574 - Small land subdivision; requirements
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Permits a county Board of Supervisors to adopt ordinances and regulations that allows small land subdivisions of six to 10 lots or parcels, provided they are two acres or more in size and are not subject to an Assured Water Supply requirement, or a mandatory Adequate Water Supply requirement. Directs counties to require an applicant for a small land subdivision to submit a small land subdivision public report pursuant to state law. Requires an applicant for a small land “subdivision” (defined) to ensure that the subdivision will provide for legal access to each lot or parcel that is part of the subdivision. Requires the Arizona Board of Real Estate (Board) to issue a notice of the ordinance or regulation that authorizes the use of “small land subdivisions” (defined) to the Arizona Real Estate Department. Requires the subdivider submit to the Board a Small Land Subdivision Public Report, and lists the information that must be included in the report. Defines notifications and notices requirements for offering land within a Small Land Subdivision for sale or lease. Outlines penalties for noncompliance with this legislation. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:28 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2598 - Public service corporations; siting committee
Sponsor: Rep. Walter "Walt" Blackman (R)
Summary: Designates the Arizona Attorney General, or their representative designee, to serve as chairman of the Power Plant and Transmission Line Sitting Committee. Details notice requirements for official meetings, and outlines deadlines and timelines for those meetings, including follow up meetings after public hearings. Requires that applicants for a certificate of environmental compatibility shall pay any appropriate fees, for each application, to the Arizona Corporate Commission (Commission) and details those fees by activity. Establishes the Utility Siting Fund, to be run by the Commission and outlines how monies in the fund are to be managed. Details the steps in applicant for a certificate of environmental compatibility must follow, including fees and documentation requirements. Stipulates that this legislation only goes into effect on the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of each House of the legislature, is effective immediately on the signature of the governor or if the governor vetoes this legislation, requires a subsequent affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the members of each House of the legislature. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:24 AM

1/17 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2679 - Power; public utilities; UCC; securities
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Creates a utility securitization framework enabling “public power entities” (defined) or public service corporations to issue “transition bonds” (defined) and recover “transition costs” (defined) more efficiently. It establishes that “transition property” (defined) vests immediately in a “qualified special purpose entity,” (defined) which pledges that property as security for bonds. Outlines steps for a governing body in Arizona to transfer bond proceeds back to the public power utility or corporation and how those entities should handle the transferred funds. Designates financing charges irrevocable and unalterable by future government actions, thus assuring investors that bond repayment streams remain intact. It requires a “true-up mechanism” (defined) to ensure the correct amount of revenue is collected to cover ongoing financing costs and details how to handle collections. Stipulates that financing charges are not utility rates subject to typical regulatory review. Creates a statutory lien over “transition property” (defined) and deems any security interest automatically perfected when the financing statement is filed, preventing other liens from superseding it. Vests the courts with exclusive, expedited jurisdiction over disputes limited to potential mathematical or administrative errors in implementing the true-up mechanism, and prevents the courts from staying or halting the collection or application of the charges. Permits the bondholders to seek an immediate court order to sequester those funds under certain circumstances. Declares that transition bonds are neither obligations of the public entity nor public debt, prevents taxpayer or state funds from being used to repay them, and exempts them from specified taxes or franchise fees. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/24/2025 9:31 AM

1/23 Added to AEW & PA tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:13 PM

1/24 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2691 - Groundwater replenishment districts; annual dues
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Strikes the requirement to use the most recent Plan of Operation by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) of total and projected annual replenishment obligation of all member lands to determine the amount of annual membership dues owed to the multi-county water conservation district (District). Substitutes that calculation with, for member lands, the projected groundwater use per lot, multiplied by the total number of residential, commercial and common area lots that are included in each parcel of member land. Strikes the requirement to prorate the Phoenix, Pinal, and Tucson active management area current and projected replenishment obligations of member lands, as identified by ADWR, and modifies the calculation to include all parcels of member land. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:08 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:57 AM

2/11 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:55 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2692 - Appropriation; department of water resources
Sponsor: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R)
Summary: Appropriates $13,318,250 from the Arizona State General Fund in FY2025-2026 to the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) for the maintenance and operation of the department. Contains a legislative finding that the ADWR for a variety of reasons the ADWR has not fulfilled its core mission and has participated in over political activities. States that it is the intent of the Arizona legislature that the FY 2025-2026 General Fund appropriation reduction be dedicated to the reduction of non-essential sections, programs and divisions, allowing the ADWR to get back to its core mission of safeguarding the water resources in Arizona.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:08 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2696 - Critical Infrastructure; foreign adversary; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Nick Kupper (R)
Summary: Prohibits the use of any software or hardware on any Arizona “critical infrastructure” (defined) that is produced by a “company” (defined) that is headquartered in, owned, or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. Prohibits any “critical communications infrastructure” (defined) in Arizona from having equipment or components manufactured in the People’s Republic of China. Requires any critical communications equipment that is currently used and manufactured by a corporation domiciled in the People’s Republic of China to be replaced by a manufacturer not domiciled in the People’s Republic of China. Defines compliance and certification procedures for equipment that must be altered or replaced pursuant to state law. Allows any communication provider that removes any communications equipment or parts to comply with this legislation to do so without having to reapply for any permits. Prohibits any government entity or vendor from entering into a contract with any contractor or company, if that company or contractor meet certain, listed criteria. Requires the Arizona Corporation Commission to publish a list of all technologies that are prohibited pursuant to this legislation and to post the list on its website. Requires all Arizona government entities to replace prohibited technologies on the posted list. Permits exceptions under specific conditions. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:07 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  03/07/2025 2:19 PM

3/7 PA recommend and approved anoppose position.

Last Action:

HB2697 - Water; residential lease communities
Sponsor: Rep. Selina Bliss (R)
Summary: Defines criteria that must be met for the legislative body of a municipality or a County Board of Supervisors to approve a building permit for one or more detached residential dwelling units that are located in a residential lease community within an Initial Active Management Area. Requires that legislative body to note on the building permit that the applicant is in compliance with the requirements of this legislation and stipulates that this legislation does not apply to an existing lease community or planned residential lease community that applied for, or that received zoning entitlements before October 1, 2025.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:07 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2714 - Rural groundwater management areas; establishment
Sponsor: Rep. Chris Mathis (D)
Summary: Sets requirements and mandatory processes for the initiation, usage, exemptions, notice requirements, well management placement, permissions and restrictions, operating rules for multiple wells, usage, and recovery of stored waters, termination of a Rural Groundwater Management Area, application for a Certificate of Groundwater Use, and the makeup, scope of work, duties, and responsibilities of a Rural Groundwater Management Area “Council” (defined). Establishes the Rural Groundwater Management Area Fund and its administration. Lists prohibitions of a County Board of Supervisors for subdivided lands located within a Rural Groundwater Management Area if the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) has adopted a mandatory water adequacy requirement. Provides a course of action if a subdivision is composed of subdivided lands outside of an Active Management Area. Lists requirements for promotional materials if a subdivision does not have adequate water supply. Prohibits any provision limiting the right of any party to appear or testify in support or opposition of zoning changes and stipulates that this legislation does not prohibit private restrictions on the use of any real property. Lists limitations on the issuance of any public report pertaining to a Rural Groundwater Management Area that is outside of an Active Management Area and mandatory notice requirements for a Rural Groundwater Management Area that adopts a mandatory adequacy requirement. Lists required reports and penalties for noncompliance. Permits the ADWR to execute expedited rulemaking to implement this legislation, repeals state law pertaining to the Willcox Active Management Area, and entitles this legislation the “Rural Groundwater Management Act.” (More.)
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:05 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2717 - Agricultural operations; energy projects; compensation
Sponsor: Rep. John Gillette (R)
Summary: Prohibits a business from contracting or subcontracting with a resident of Arizona or a business in Arizona to construct a solar or wind energy project that reduces the size of an “agricultural lessee’s” (defined) agricultural operation unless the business compensates the agricultural lessee’s loss of profit, the value of an executed conservation measure, the loss of value, and cost to relocate and mitigate the reduction of the agricultural lessee’s agricultural operation. Requires the agricultural operation to provide to the business credible evidence that certifies the amount of expenses and loss due to the solar or wind energy project. Stipulates that the legislature intends to protect the agricultural operations in Arizona and to ensure that agriculture lessees are compensated if a business constructs a solar or wind energy construction project that reduces the size of the agricultural lessee’s agricultural operation.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:04 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2727 - County water authority; Harquahala INA (County water authority; post-2024 authority)
Sponsor: Rep. Leo Biasiucci (R)
Summary: Permits an “Authority” (defined) to be established in a county that contains a portion of the Harquahala Irrigation Non-Expansion Area and does not contain any portion of an Active Management Area. Defines the justification for creating an Authority, membership criteria for and scope of the Authority. Requires a municipal corporation to appoint a person to represent the municipal corporation on the Authority’s “Board” (defined). Reduces the public notice requirement of the formation of an Authority from three newspapers to one. Exempts an Authority formed in a county that contains a portion of the Harquahala Irrigation Non-Expansion Area that does not contain any portion of an Active Management Area from having to transfer to the Authority delivery of Colorado River water. Defines how an authority is to choose its executive leadership. Defines Authority permissions regarding water rights, access, contracts, prohibitions and use and permits an Authority to apportion certain bodies of water. Permits the Authority to deposit all transportation fees paid to an Authority in the Grant, Water Acquisition or Operating Funds pursuant to this legislation. Requires that for an area with less than 90,000 people that has an Authority, to deposit all revenues in the same types of funds. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:30 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:57 AM

2/11 AEW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  03/06/2025 3:30 PM

3/6 GPC is Neutral

Last Action:

HB2729 - Online exchange; groundwater sales
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Allows someone with a grandfathered right to groundwater in the Phoenix, Tucson or Pinal Active Management Area to sell, lease or otherwise convey any portion of that right to pump groundwater or the groundwater itself to any other person in the areas mentioned. Prohibits the right to pump groundwater from one subbasin to transport and use in another subbasin. Establishes permissible uses of grandfathered water rights in the same subbasin as well as information required to be submitted to the Department of Water Resources (DWS) when a transfer of rights is occurring. Permits the DWS to create a form for appropriate notice requirements and the purchaser to access 65% of the total amount of groundwater given by the grandfathered party. Authorizes and direct the DWS to create, maintain and host on its website a water exchange for groundwater and groundwater rights to be transferred, sold, leased or otherwise conveyed to another party. The online water exchange shall be publicly accessible and shall include for each transaction the information submitted in the notices prescribed by Section 45-641(more).
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:29 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:57 AM

2/11 AEW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:55 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2731 - Big Chino subbasin; Verde River
Sponsor: Rep. Quang H. Nguyen (R)
Summary: Permits under certain conditions groundwater withdrawal from the Big Chino subbasin of the Verde River groundwater basin for transportation to the headwaters of the Verde River within the Big Chino subbasin.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:29 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:58 AM

2/11 AEW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:56 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2738 - Electric utility customers; carbon reduction
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Olson (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Corporation Commission (Commission) to allow customers of an electricity provider to opt out of their service if their current electricity provider has declared a carbon emissions reduction goal, or commits to replacing reliable electricity sources with intermittent sources. Requires the Commission to adopt rules pertaining to this legislation. 
Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:54 PM

2/6 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HB2788 - Utility; resource plan; commission review
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Olson (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Corporation Commission (Commission) to require an electric public service corporation to prepare and submit an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) every three years and defines the information that must be included in the IRP, including required “Ratepayer Impact Measure Tests” (defined). Requires the Commission to review the IRP in coordination with an independent third-party and to consider cost-savings and efficiency suggestions made by the third-party. Stipulates that if the IRP is approved, it functions as the source of authority on applicable matters for three years. Requires the Commission to ensure that employee compensation policies align with providing safe, reliable, and affordable service to “retail electric customer” (defined). AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/10/2025 6:57 PM

2/10 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2826 - Irrigation districts; water distribution
Sponsor: Rep. Julie Willoughby (R)
Summary: Stipulates that all water within a water District is to be apportioned to lands of the District and to any municipality within the boundaries of the District who is contractually entitled to water delivery. Requires a Water District to prepare and publish an annual report and defines the information that must be in the report. Stipulates that a municipal customer that was entitled to water but did not receive a delivery, even though the water was available, must be refunded any water tax they paid to that municipality. Addresses water delivery for contracts in years where the water supply is insufficient to meet the need. Establishes that a water supply is not insufficient if a District has accumulated credits for water stored behind a dam and prohibits a District from accumulating any credits until its water supply obligations are met.
Staff 2
  02/14/2025 11:11 AM

2/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HCM2003 - Stormwater; groundwater; recharge; urging support
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The Arizona House and Senate outline the challenges facing Arizona regarding water and water storage and encourage the Arizona Department of Water Resources and State Land Department focus on the development of groundwater recharge infrastructure projects by supporting the Arizona Water Infrastructure Finance Authority and the Water Supply Development Revolving Fund, developing the 331 sites identified as suitable for groundwater recharging infrastructure projects, and consider private input regarding groundwater supply and the future health of a basin.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:45 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HCR2022 - Nuclear energy; Palo Verde; support
Sponsor: Rep. Pamela Carter (R)
Summary: The House and Senate recognize the importance of, and support the Palo Verde Generating Station and the safe and efficient use of nuclear energy to supply the energy consumption needs of the people of Arizona and trust that consumers are well informed regarding the safety of modern nuclear energy production.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:44 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

HCR2039 - Assured water supply; legislative intent
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The Arizona House and Senate oppose administrative rule 12 Arizona Administrative Code 2623-34 and declare it contrary to Arizona statutory law and therefore, null and void. Further, the members of the legislature concur that they oppose any rule, regulation, policy or condition that runs contrary to the legislative intent of the 1980 Groundwater Management Act, or that requires an applicant demonstrate more water than is needed to meet the needs of an Assured Water Supply. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:44 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:58 AM

2/11 AEW recommends supporting

Last Action:

HCR2044 - Minerals; metals; supporting domestic supply
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The Arizona House and Senate concur and resolve that members of the Arizona Legislature should recognize and affirm the importance of Arizona’s critical mineral resources and its mining industry at the state, national and international levels. Further, both support policies that promote domestic production, refining and recycling of critical and strategic resources, request local, state and the federal government streamline mining permits of these resources, affirm that Arizona is a business-friendly environment for mining and in developing the domestic natural resources supply chain that is critically important to the nation.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:26 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:59 AM

2/11 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:56 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HCR2046 - Colorado River; cause of decline
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The Arizona House and Senate concur and resolve that mismanagement of overgrown forests and the proliferation of water-depleting plants in American watersheds are reducing annual flows to the Colorado River, that state and federal legislators and government administrators should determine that eradicating salt cedars and responsibly managing forests in the West present an opportunity to substantially increase the availability of water in the Colorado River and other rivers in the West, that the US Congress should fund the proposed eradication, and that the Arizona Secretary of State should transmit a copy of this resolution to Congress, the appropriate federal department heads and the Arizona congressional delegation. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:25 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1009 - Appropriations; nuclear emergency management fund
Sponsor: Sen. John Kavanagh (R)
Summary: Appropriates $2.617 million from the General Fund in FY 2025-2026 and $2.711 from the Nuclear Emergency Management Fund in 2026-2027 for use by the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (ADEM) and the Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADA.) Outlines how the funds shall be used, including funding 8 full-time positions in 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 at the ADEM, to develop emergency response plans by the ADA, and for the appropriate agencies and department in Maricopa County and the City of Buckeye to develop and manage Emergency Response plans. Stipulates that the above mentioned sums be assessed against any consortium of public service or municipal corporations engaged in constructing or operating a commercial nuclear generating state in Arizona. Contains Emergency Clause. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:06 PM

1/21 Added to AEW tracking 1/21 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:08 PM

1/21 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:13 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1066 - Foreign entities; land; legislative approval
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Finchem (R)
Summary: Prohibits land in Arizona from being conveyed to a hostile “foreign entity” (defined) without the majority approval of both the Arizona Senate and House of Representatives. Requires Grantors in Arizona and their agents, including real estate agents, to submit to the Arizona Real Estate Department a valid form of identification for grantees and defines the information that must also be submitted with the proof of identification. 
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:56 AM

1/14 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1068 - Federal government; land acquisition; consent
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Finchem (R)
Summary: Requires the consent of the Governor and State Legislature for the sale or transfer of any Arizona lands to a federal agency if the sale or transfer removes the property from state or local property tax rolls, and that any transfer requires the express, affirmative consent through the current joint resolution process. Prohibits that any legislative consent limits the rights of any Indian tribe with respect to its lands, reservations and lands acquired as a settlement of land claim; or affect any Congressionally approved land exchange. Requires the seller of private property to the federal government to notify and request written approval from the Speaker of the House and the Senate President; and requires them to appoint a joint legislative committee to consider the request and prepare a joint resolution upon approval. Requires state to exercise its right of first refusal to purchase the property if the sale or transfer is not approved. Requires any state agency that is notified by the U.S. Department of Interior about an effort to place private real property in Arizona in trust as part of an Indian tribe's settlement of a land claim to immediately notify the Speaker of the House and Senate President so that the Legislature can provide comment, file an administrative appeal or file an action with the appropriate court. Specifies penalties if officials are not notified properly. Specifies that this process does not apply to a trustee's deed or mortgage that is insured or held by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Veterans Affairs or the Federal Housing Administration; or any Congressionally approved land exchange. 
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:56 AM

1/15 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1109 - Designated countries; land ownership; prohibition
Sponsor: Sen. Janae Shamp (R)
Summary: Prohibits a “foreign principle” (defined) from a designated country, directly or indirectly, from purchasing, owning, acquiring by grant or device, or have a “substantial interest” (defined) in real property in Arizona. Requires the attorney general to enforce this section and outlines the actions a court and county must take if a violation of this legislation is proven. Provides liability protection to a title insurer, title agent, escrow agent, or real estate licensee involved in the sale or purchase of real estate in violation of this legislation and stipulates that said violation is prohibited from being the basis for a title insurance claim for any title insurance policy issued for property in Arizona. Defines criteria that must be met for a foreign principle to purchase, own, acquire by grant or deed, or have an interest in, real estate in Arizona. Stipulates that a foreign principle that directly or indirectly owns or acquires any interest in real property in Arizona on or before the effective date of this legislation may continue to own or hold such real property but may not purchase or acquire any additional real property in Arizona, except as provided for and permitted in state law. Contains legislative findings that justify this legislation from a state and national security perspective. AS PASSED SENATE
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:24 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1113 - Renewable energy; public service corporations
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Grants public service corporations and public power entities, operating in Arizona, regulated by the commission and public power entities, the right of first refusal to construct, own, or maintain any proposed renewable energy resource. Grants these entities 90 days, after a county approves a zoning or special land use permit, to submit written notice of their intention to exercise this right. Allows other eligible entities to apply If they fail to do so and they forfeit the right. Allows the commission to adopt rules to implement these requirements. Exempts residential rooftop solar systems and non-exporting renewable energy resources that generate power solely for on-site use and are not interconnected to transmission infrastructure. This framework aims to ensure that existing public service corporations and public power entities can opt to lead in the construction or ownership of renewable energy resources, while preserving local authority over smaller, on-site renewable installations.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:23 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1114 - Assured water supply; analysis; availability
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Allows certain “analyses” (defined) of assured water supply, issued on or before May 31, 2023, to qualify as valid demonstrations of physically available groundwater for certificates of assured water supply, minus the volume already allocated to other certificates. Requires the department to issue the certificate, if an applicant holding one of these analyses submits a sworn statement agreeing to reduce the remaining reserved groundwater volume by 15% after the department grants the certificate. Requires the department to apply the water demand assumption in effect when the applicant submitted the certificate request if the new certificate relies on such an analysis. Requires the difference in volume between the current demand assumption and the original assumption to remain physically available for further development within the designated provider’s service area. Contains an Emergency Clause. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:23 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1115 - Demand calculator; rules; conservation code
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Requires the department of Water Resources (ADWR)., starting immediately and every five years afterward, to adopt rules updating its project demand calculator, which must disclose all inputs the calculator uses and incorporate the most current conservation codes. Authorize the ADWR to use expedited rulemaking for this process. Emergency measure. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:23 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1116 - Groundwater model; receipt; written findings
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to notify the person submitting an alternative groundwater model in writing within five days of receipt and provide a written response to the applicant, detailing whether it accepts the overall findings of the model, specifying acceptance or denial of each specific finding, and explaining the rationale for rejecting any findings within 60 days. Contains an emergency clause and is effective immediately upon passage. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:22 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1119 - Residential utilities; consumer office; definition
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Adds the definition for “represents the interests of” (defined). AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:22 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
G - Transmit to Governor

SB1128 - Air quality; causation; state boundaries
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to consider the best interest of the taxpayer, and factors that affect air quality including both transportation emissions that originate outside of Arizona and the effects of solar radiation and any associated heat increases, when considering any revisions to the State Implementation Plan. Permits the Arizona Attorney General to file suit on behalf of Arizona against the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if the EPA does not approve a demonstration that establishes that any area of this state would achieve and maintain the applicable national ambient air quality standard but for emissions emanating outside of the USA. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:46 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1134 - ADWR; application; review; time frames
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Permits monies in the water conservation project to be used for administration costs and increasing public awareness activities and developers as defined by state law to apply for and accept grants from the fund to install gray water systems. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:45 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1150 - State land; exchanges
Sponsor: Sen. David Gowan (R)
Summary: Changes the requirement that state land may be exchanged for “public” land to “other” land, and alters the recipients a public notice of a proposed exchange of state lands for other lands, from a list of government entities to interested parties. Requires each exchange to be approved by the governor, pursuant to Article X, Section 12 of the Constitution of Arizona and stipulates that to be approved, a joint resolution must be affirmed by both chambers of the legislature and signed by the Governor. Stipulates that this act does not become effective unless the constitution of Arizona is amended by vote at the next general election by passing Senate Concurrent Resolution 1006 of the fifty-seventh legislature, first regular session, relating to the state trust land. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:45 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1212 - Biosolids; land application; immunity
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADA) to require agricultural lessees of Arizona to comply with applicable local ordinances, state and federal in generally accepted farming practices on state lands, including rules and laws governing fertilizers, “biosolids” (defined), and soil amendments. Prohibits the ADA from restricting the use of fertilizers, biosolids, or soil amendments, as a condition of renewing the lease of state lands if the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has not issued a finding that the lessee’s use of state land is in violation of state law. Requires the lessee to provide the ADA a copy of all applicable permits and registration from the ADEQ. Lists exemptions from liability. Requires that rules adopted relating to the land application of sewage sludge must not conflict with rules related to the application of biosolids to agricultural land. Renames the “Best Management Committee” to the “Agricultural Best Management Committee” (Committee) and defines its membership and duties. Permits the Committee to recommend the ADEQ adopt rules that include management practices for specific agricultural activities including requirements for the application of biosolids to agricultural. Requires that ADEQ consider listed concerns pertaining to the application of biosolids to agricultural lands. Outlines required reports and the information that must be included in those reports. (More.) Self-repeals on January 1, 2028. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 3:04 PM

1/22 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
SB1260 - Assured water supply; agricultural water
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Adds an alternative of specific areas being served by an agricultural water company while meeting other listed criteria as a reason for being granted an Assured Water Supply.
Staff 2
  01/24/2025 9:32 AM

1/24 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1304 - Irrigation water; assured water supply
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Permits the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR), upon application to the ADWR by a city or town, to designate a portion of the municipality that is located in an active management area, and that the ADWR determines is making sufficient progress towards meeting the management goals of the Area for three to five years before the filing of the application, as having an Assured Water Supply if certain, listed stipulations are met.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:22 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1309 - Public utilities; electric grid improvements
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to ensure that alterations to the Arizona power grid are capable of producing enough electricity to meet the demand for electric service in the summer and winter months, and contain a “generation resource mix” (defined) that avoids non-monetary electric service interruptions that are unrelated to severe weather conditions, and power quality incidents. Requires the ACC, upon the retirement of an electric generation plant, to ensure that a replacement electric generation plant is capable of providing “equally dispatchable load following generation” (defined). AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:21 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1313 - Municipalities; counties; recycling; prohibition
Sponsor: Sen. Jake Hoffman (R)
Summary: Prohibits any county or municipality to recommend or require a resident place any product in a recycling bin if the product is not being “actively recycled” (defined) at that present time. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:21 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

SB1432 - Prohibition; geoengineering
Sponsor: Sen. David C. Farnsworth (R)
Summary: Repeals ARS Title 45, Chapter 9, Weather Control and Cloud Modification. Prohibits a person from intentionally injecting, releasing, or dispensing, by any means, any chemical, chemical compound, substance or apparatus within the borders of Arizona for the purpose of affecting temperature, weather or the intensity of sunlight. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:14 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1444 - Helium exploration; aquifer protection permit
Sponsor: Sen. Janae Shamp (R)
Summary: Exempts helium exploration and production wells that are designed to not discharge a contaminant into an aquifer from the Aquifer Protection Permit Requirement. Exempts the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality from rulemaking requirements for one year after the effective date of this legislation. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:13 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1501 - Grid security; cybersecurity; reviews; commission
Sponsor: Sen. David C. Farnsworth (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Sitting Committee (Committee) to annually review grid security of a plant and defines the schedule, scope, duties, responsibilities and expectations of that review. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:54 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1518 - Subsequent AMAs; groundwater portability
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Defines the rights, permissions, and prohibitions related to irrigation grandfathered rights, and transferred associated water duties. Defines notice requirements for an owner of an irrigation grandfathered right who proposes to sell, transfer, use or lease the right and associated water duty. Defines the format of the form that must be used by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) and requires the ADWR to adopt rules for the implementation of flexibility accounts or similar accounting methods to aid in the implementation of this legislation. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:52 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1521 - Unbuilt certificates; assured water supply
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Permits a person to sell, aggregate, or transfer and unbuilt Certificate of Assured Water Supply separate from an original lot or parcels, where the certificate was granted subject to certain listed conditions. Permits a person to sell, transfer or aggregate an unbuilt Certificate of Assured Water Supply if the Certificate is to be served by a municipal provider, without regard to where the municipal provider would have acquired the water to serve the unbuilt subdivision that received the original Certificate of Assured Water Supply. Requires a person who conducts a transaction related to this legislation to notify the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) on a form designed and produced by the ADWR, and that includes specific, listed information. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:52 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1522 - Waterlogged area; exemption area
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to determine whether the withdrawal of up to 10,000 acre-feet of groundwater by a municipal provider pursuant to state law and through 2034, from the area delineated meets certain requirements. Applies retroactively to January 1, 1989.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:52 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:

SB1523 - Water use; prohibition; landscaping
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Prohibits a municipality that is located within an “ Initial Active Management Area” (defined) that has a management goal of “safe-yield” (defined), from adopting or enforcing any code, ordinance, rule, regulation, standard, stipulation, or other requirement that directly or indirectly requires specific numbers, sizes, percentages, amounts, or areas of listed structures or environments. Prohibits a municipality located in an Initial Active Management Area from requiring minimum turf requirements with specific exceptions, or the installation of plants that are not included on the low-water use and drought-tolerant plant list published by the Arizona Department of Water Resources. Contains an emergency clause. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:51 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
SB1530 - Groundwater storage facility; withdrawals; area
Sponsor: Sen. Warren Petersen (R)
Summary: Establishes that for the purpose of subdivision, if a recovery well permit applicant does not submit a separate hydrologic study to the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR,) the ADWR Must assume that the recovery well is located within the area of impact of stored water if the recovery well location is within one mile of specific, listed, structures or boundaries. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:40 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
SB1538 - Corporation commission; non-thermal generating unit
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Adds nonthermal to the description of electric, nuclear or hydroelectric generating units and increasing the nameplate rating from 100 megawatts or more to 200 megawatts or more. AS PASSED SENATE. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:39 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
SB1558 - Water technology study committee
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Establishes the Water Technology Study Committee and defines its membership, mission, responsibilities and scope of work. Requires the Committee to develop and submit a report by December 31, 2026, regarding Committee activities with recommendations and establishes the distribution list for that report. Self-repeals on January 1, 2027.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:38 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/14/2025 9:18 AM

2/14 AEW recommend supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:56 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
SB1611 - Physical availability exemption credit; groundwater
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Permits landowners in Active Management Areas to relinquish grandfathered irrigation rights for physical availability exemption credits. Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to establish groundwater withdrawal and replenishment rules by region, throughout Arizona. Requires the ADWR to identify credit volumes, associated lands and wells. Permits credits to be assigned to municipal providers and assured water supply applications. Creates exemptions from physical availability rules if groundwater lasts 100 years without exceeding set depth limits. Requires the ADWR to approve or deny requests within 90 days and to manage administrative reviews. Stipulates that in specific circumstances, effluent can be counted as replenishment and exempts certain areas from replenishment obligations. (More.)
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:35 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate Majority Caucus - Y

SB1616 - County water augmentation authorities; bonds
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Requires the Secretary-Treasurer to pay principal and interest due on bonds of “County” (defined) Water Augmentation Authority (Authority) and strikes the requirement that bonds be invested solely in US or Arizona issued bonds that are kept in the bond fund and available for exchange at the request of the holders. Permits an Authority via its Board of Directors (Board) to issue revenue bonds in compliance with the financial needs the Authority establishes for use as the Authority sees fit as defined by state law. Defines meetings and notification requirements pertaining to bond-related meetings or portions of meetings, bond issuance notification processes, bond issuance, and payments. Outlines how the Board may purchase, secure, sell, regulate and ensure payment of reserves or sinking funds, and authorize bonds upon approval from the Board. Establishes that any pledge made in pursuant to this legislation is valid and binding and are subject to he lien of the pledge and the associated implications of that action. Defines payment terms of the bonds, exempts them from taxation and stipulates that any issued bonds by the Authority are obligations of the Authority, solely. Outlines permissible use by the Authority of monies borrowed from bonds and other sources and permits the Authority to enter into all appropriate loan repayment agreements, as needed, and with standard approval. Authorizes the Authority to hire appropriate professional help to aid in the management of any loan repayment plans. Stipulates that this legislation is supplemental to any additional sources of income of the Authority. 
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:35 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

SCR1006 - State trust land; land exchanges
Sponsor: Sen. David Gowan (R)
Summary: The 2026 general election ballot is to carry the question of whether to amend Constitution of Arizona to Allow the legislature to develop a process for exchanging lands granted or confirmed by the enabling act for other lands, rather than just public land, and removes the requirement that a land exchange must be approved by the legislature and governor as prescribed by law. AS PASSED SENATE
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:43 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Last Action:
H - Referred to Committee - Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs - House Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs