Public Affairs

HB2012 - Emergency use products; employers; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Nick Kupper (R)
Summary: Prohibits an employer, “government entity” (defined,) or “health care entity” (defined) from requiring the administration of an emergency use product, per the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and prohibits an employer from requiring the same to the employer’s employees or as a condition of employment. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:24 PM

1/9 Added to LRR & IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:21 PM

1/22 LRR recommends opposing

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 8:40 AM

1/25 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2032 - Workers' compensation; assigned risk plan
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Requires that an employer who is refused coverage by two or more insurers be placed in the assigned risk plan established by this legislation unless on a current or prior workers’ compensation policy the employer knowingly does not meet reasonable health and safety, audit or loss prevention requirements, allow an insurance carrier or assigned insurance carrier reasonable access to employer records for audit or inspection purposes under the policy, has an outstanding premium that is due on a workers’ compensation policy and that is not subject to a dispute, the employer or employers representative knowingly fails to comply with the assigned risk plans application procedures or makes a material misrepresentation on the application. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:25 PM

1/9 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:13 PM

1/27 EW recommend supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:43 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2033 - Workers' compensation; service; definition
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Modifies the definition of “serve” or “service” to include electronic transmission in a manner reasonably calculated to achieve effective service unless the receiving party opts out by providing written notice to the other party. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:25 PM

1/9 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:14 PM

1/27 EW recommended supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:43 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
HB2055 - Immunizations; requirements; exemption
Sponsor: Rep. Lisa Fink (R)
Summary: Provides an exemption for an individual required to receive a vaccination for any purpose if there is no vaccination available and certain, listed criteria are also met. Prohibits any other Arizona Department, agency, board or commission from requiring the individual with an exemption from a specific vaccination requirement from imposing other limits in addition to the criteria listed in this legislation.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:11 AM

1/13 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:19 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:38 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2076 - Life insurance; illustrations
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Lists exclusions to this legislation and requires applicable insurers that market policies to notify the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions (ADIFI) whether the policies will be marketed with or without an illustration. Requires the insurer to identify policy forms and whether an illustration will be used, and after January 1, 2026, requires the insurer to make the identification at the time of the filing, with the ability to change an identification by notifying ADIFI. Prohibits the use of an illustration for any policy form that the insurer has indicated will be marketed without an illustration up to the policy’s first anniversary. Requires the insurer to provide ADIFI with a copy of any illustration the insurer indicates will be used and to include a quote with certain enrollment materials. Defines the format of an illustration and the information that must be included, and prohibitions pertaining to illustrations and applicable actions and Representations as part of a marketing effort. Defines required reporting and requires the board of directors of each insurer to appoint one or more illustration actuaries, defines their roles, and the criteria to serve. Stipulates that a violation of this legislation constitutes an unfair trade practice pursuant to state law. Effective date is January 1, 2026. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:12 AM

1/13 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:20 PM

1/27 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:38 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2103 - Appropriation; Colorado River Compact; defense
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Appropriates $1,000,000 from the general fund in FY2025-26 to the department of water resources to defend, protect and enforce this state's allocation of Colorado River water under the Colorado River Compact of 1922.AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 10:55 AM

1/14 added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:07 PM

1/21 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:12 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:

HB2110 - Development; adaptive reuse; rezoning; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Leo Biasiucci (R)
Summary: Requires a governing body of a municipality to allow for multifamily residential development or “adaptive reuse” (defined) of at least 10% of the existing commercial, office, or mixed-use parcels, and requires the governing body to analyze all three every 10 years. Outlines permissions, prohibitions, exclusions, and restrictions for pursuing the 10% goal, and in determining what parcels or property shall comprise that 10%. Defines parcel and zoning requirements for a multifamily residential development that prohibit a municipality from withholding a demolition permit. Applies this legislation retroactively to December 31, 2024. Contains an emergency clause. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:14 AM

1/13 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:21 PM

1/22 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:50 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:

HB2119 - Model city tax code; notice
Sponsor: Rep. Neal Carter (R)
Summary: Requires a municipality that proposes an ordinance to adopt or repeal a model or local option in the model city tax code to notify all businesses in the affected business classification via mail at least 60 days before the date the ordinance is approved or rejected by the governing body of the municipality. Excludes ordinances that impose a use tax or a model or local option to exempt a city or town from a use tax, or a two-tiered tax rate structure for retail sales. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:04 AM

1/14 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:12 PM

1/22 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:06 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2130 - Claims; prior authorization; denials; contact
Sponsor: Rep. Selina Bliss (R)
Summary: Requires a healthcare insurer that denies a claim or a prior authorization for any reason to provide a telephone number or email address to an entity that can provide a detailed explanation as to why the claim or prior authorization was denied, and a substantive response to questions pertaining to why a claim or prior authorization was denied within two business days after receipt of the questions. Effective date is July 1, 2026. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:09 AM

1/14 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:21 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:38 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

HB2132 - Hospitals; outpatient surgical centers; nurses
Sponsor: Rep. Selina Bliss (R)
Summary: Requires outpatient surgical centers and hospitals to adopt and implement policies that require a registered nurse to be a “circulator” (defined) who is physically present in an operating room for the duration of each surgical procedure by January 1, 2026. Requires the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to verify compliance with this legislation whenever ADHS is conducting an on site inspection, and in response to any complaint alleging a violation of this legislation.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:11 AM

1/14 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:21 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:39 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2175 - Claims; prior authorization; conduct
Sponsor: Rep. Julie Willoughby (R)
Summary: Prohibits artificial intelligence from being used to deny a claim or prior authorization for medical necessity, experimental status or any other reason that involves the use of medical judgment. Requires a “health care provider” (defined) to individually review each claim or prior authorization that involves any of the above before a health care insurer may deny a claim or prior authorization. Classifies a violation of this legislation as constituting an Act of Unprofessional Conduct. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:09 AM

1/14 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:22 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:39 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - HELD - Senate Rules

HB2200 - Professional registration; reciprocity; endorsement
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Wilmeth (R)
Summary: Introduces new qualifications for professional registration through reciprocity or endorsement in for professional engineers, architects, land surveyors, and landscape architects. Allows applicants to qualify for registration if they hold a valid license, registration, or certification from: another U.S. state, territory, district, or possession, or a country participating in the applicable profession's National Council Mutual Recognition Agreement; or possess a certification or model law designation from the applicable profession’s national council. Specifically requires professional engineers to hold a record from the profession's national council verifying they meet at least one of the following: four years of experience post-licensure, passage of a professional national exam, or a baccalaureate, equivalent, or postgraduate degree. Requires land surveyors to have passed an examination on Arizona-specific surveying methods and legal principles, as defined. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:57 AM

1/16 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:22 PM

1/22 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:50 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:

HB2201 - Wildfire mitigation planning; utilities; approval (Technical correction; electricity; power authority)
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Stipulates that this legislation does not constitute a new cause of action and establishes that if there is a conflict of laws, this legislation overrides the conflicting law. Requires public power and electric entities to prepare and submit a Wildfire Mitigation Plan, sets deadlines to submit the plan, and outlines how the public power or electric entity should go about developing the plan. Sets the criteria for the Arizona Department of Forestry for evaluating each submitted plan. Establishes follow-up schedules and required actions by the public power or electric entity. Defines the content that must go into each plan. Establishes legal procedures, allowances, permissions, restrictions, prohibitions and limitations for a public power entity, including actions filed as the result of a wildfire.  Contains a severability clause. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:47 PM

2/6 PA recommended and approved support

Last Action:
S - DPA   - Senate Finance

HB2208 - Pharmacists; pharmacies; reimbursement costs; appeals
Sponsor: Rep. Selina Bliss (R)
Summary: Defines restrictions and requirements pertaining to reimbursement and professional dispensing fees, a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) may impose on a Pharmacist with whom the PBM is under contract or has a working relationship with. Requires all contracts between a PBM and Pharmacist outline the procedures for appealing a reimbursement rate that does not adhere to this legislation, including the applicable time frame for filing an appeal. Defines what must happen in the process that must be followed if a Pharmacist prevails in an appeal. Requires the PBM to provide to a pharmacy the contact and medication numbers associated with the appeal, if the PBM prevails, and the PBM locates the equipment or medication in question at a cost that is equal to or less than the challenged reimbursement cost. Outlines actions the PBM must take if they are found to have not complied with this legislation. Stipulates that this legislation does not apply to health and accident insurance coverage that is procured by the Arizona Department of Administration pursuant to state law, end that this legislation applies to contracts that are entered into, amended, extended, or renewed, starting on December 31, 2025.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:56 AM

1/16 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:22 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:40 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2209 - Arizona department of housing; continuation
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Appropriates $1,650,000 from the Arizona State Department of Housing (ADOH) Trust Fund in FY 2025-2026 to the Arizona Auditor General to conduct an audit of ADOH efforts in regards to housing and homelessness in Arizona. Requires the Arizona Department of Economic Security to develop an annual report that includes estimates of homeless populations and subpopulations for each municipality and county of Arizona based on the Annual point-in-time count. Requires the ADOH to develop and submit annual reports that cover housing and homeless statistics and totals as well as improvements in housing accessibility for various populations in need. Prohibits any Housing Trust Fund (Fund) monies to be spent on down payment assistance programs that aid with the purchase of property. Requires all programs funded by the ADOH and the Fund to be reviewed before the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. Requires ADOH to establish a benchmark tracking and data collection system and defines the data, mechanisms and methods used that must be collected. Defines mandatory reviews and inspections, reports and summaries. Mandates the Arizona Auditor General to conduct an audit of monies spent on programs and services for homeless populations and defines the data that must be collected as part of the audit. The statutory life of the Arizona Department of Housing is extended five months to January 1, 2027. Retroactive to July 1, 2025. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:56 AM

1/16 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:22 PM

1/22 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:09 PM

1/24 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

HB2210 - DIFI; continuation
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Contingent upon the voters approving a constitutional amendment repealing the authority for the Arizona Department of Insurance (ADI), the statutory life of the ADI is extended six months to January 1, 2034. Retroactive to July 1, 2025.AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:56 AM

1/16 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:23 PM

1/27 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:40 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - DP   - Senate Finance

HB2228 - Jurors; peremptory challenge; civil action
Sponsor: Rep. Laurin Hendrix (R)
Summary: Permits each party in a civil action in Superior Court to have four preemptory challenges and defines what each challenge consists of and its role in the jury selection process. Permits the court to allow a party to have additional peremptory challenges if two or more parties on the same side have adverse or hostile interests but requires the court to allow an equal number of preemptory challenges to the party or parties on the other side. Requires the court to equally distribute the additional preemptory challenges if any party is unable to agree on the distribution of peremptory challenges. Contains legislative findings that the intent of the legislature is to restore a limited number of peremptory strikes and civil actions to facilitate each sides right to a fair and impartial jury, and to retain the protections afforded in federal case law. AS PASSED HOUSE
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:55 AM

1/16 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:22 PM

1/22 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:10 PM

1/24 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2300 - Electric vehicle charging stations; report
Sponsor: Rep. Leo Biasiucci (R)
Summary: Requires any public entity that approves or permits an electric vehicle charging station for public or private use on public property, show report as soon as is practicable to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), the location of the charging station, and the total number of parking spots designated for charging. Requires ADOT to compile and update on a weekly basis, a list of all electric vehicle charging stations in Arizona and posts it on the ADOT website.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:51 AM

1/16 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  03/23/2025 4:48 PM

3/21 PA recommended and approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2310 - Advanced practice registered nurses; compact
Sponsor: Rep. Selina Bliss (R)
Summary: Establishes the Interstate Commission of “Advanced Practice Registered Nurses” (defined) (APRN) Compact (Compact), a joint public agency for greater coordination and cooperation among states in the areas of APRN licensure and regulation. Lists the general purposes of the Compact, requirements for member states regarding multi-state licensing, and authorities of a party state licensing board. Defines member state requirements, licensing reciprocity, adjudication of complaints and licensing issues and reporting requirements. Establishes and defines Interstate Commission of APRN Compact Administrators (Commission), and specifies rules for membership, voting, meetings, bylaws, and financial records, powers of the Commission, licensing procedures, adjudication of complaints and licensing issues, immunity and indemnification, rulemaking powers dispute resolution and requirements for the Compact to become effective. Establishes the Interstate Practice of Regulated Social Workers compact and the criteria to join, including legislative thresholds. Establishes an associated Executive Committee and regulatory body, meeting requirements for that body, authorities, responsibilities, duties, member participation expectations, roles and scope of work, payment, participation terms, prohibitions, rules making authorities and emergency action permissions. Defines criteria for states to enter, licensing, immunity and reciprocity, participation, licensing and education requirements for member social workers, prohibitions and restrictions on participation, investigations and legal requirements and permissions, mutual disciplinary procedures and permissions. Establishes records keeping and documentation requirements, sharing of data procedures, fees, indemnity and immunity extensions, and member rights related to the Compact and Commission. Defines termination requirements for each member-state, severability, home-state legal rights and procedures for exiting the pact. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:50 AM

1/16 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:23 PM

1/27 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:40 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2384 - Fire insurance; wildfire risk modeling
Sponsor: Rep. David Marshall, Sr. (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Standard Fire Policy to use “wildfire risk modeling” (defined) for any city or town with a population of less than 150,000 persons, and an insurer to use a rating plan that considers a city or town level mitigation designation. Requires a rating plan, and the rate offered to the applicant or the insured, to be based in part on, the reduced wildfire risk associated with each city and town level mitigation designation listed as a Firewise USA site in good standing. Adds that a substantial change in the risk assumed by the insurer must possess a minimum substantiated potential loss of at least $2,000,000 to be considered an eligible occurrence that could serve as part of a justification for a notice of cancellation of a policy that has been in effect for 60 days or, effective immediately for a policy that is a renewal. Stipulates that a condition that is not on the premises may not be reason for a non-renewal of a policy, and that after 30 days from the application by an insured for insurance coverage, no declination of insurance coverage or termination of a binder shall be based on information from a consumer report with source information collected or produced within the past 60 days. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:47 AM

1/16 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:24 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:41 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Referred to Committee - Rules - Senate Rules

HB2429 - Pharmacy benefits; pharmacy management networks
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Permits an employer to establish a Pharmacy Management Network to provide necessary medications to injured employees, and to contract for reimbursement amounts that are different from the fee schedule established by the Industrial Commission of Arizona (Commission). Defines how an employer is to notify employees regarding the Pharmacy Management Network and the process for securing medication or equipment, both pre and post injury. Establishes rules for employees regarding use of Pharmacy Management Network pharmacies and out-of-network pharmacies. Defines payment processes for in-network and out-of-network pharmacies or dispensing providers. Prohibits the Pharmacy Management Network from charging fees to member pharmacies or dispensing providers. Defines how the Pharmacy Management Network is to contact out-of-network pharmacies or dispensing providers, criteria for joining the network, how it processes and addresses disputes, reimbursement schedules, and the criteria for completing required audits of the Pharmacy Management Network. Stipulates that if a claim is disputed for compensability, an injured employee is not required to use a pharmacy or dispensing provider in the Pharmacy Management Network until the dispute is resolved. Stipulates that a registered Pharmacy Management Network that provides services in compliance with this legislation is exempt from the requirements of Pharmacy Benefit Managers. Permits the Commission to adopt rules as needed to implement this legislation. Effective date is January 1, 2026.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:40 AM

1/17 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:25 PM

1/27 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:41 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2457 - Fire districts; formation; county supervisors
Sponsor: Rep. David Marshall, Sr. (R)
Summary: Details how, until December 31, 2027, a county with a population of less than 500,000 persons can create a fire district, including outlining how a written request must be formatted, The Board of Supervisors consideration process, including receiving testimony from the public, modifying district boundaries to ensure that no one property in the prosed boundaries of the district will be required to contribute more than 2 1.2% of the total funding proposed,  and how the issue should be submitted to a vote of qualified electors within the proposed boundaries of the district. Requires that any election comply with general election laws and if approved by 65% of the votes cast at the formation election, requires the Board of Supervisors to declare the fire district formed and to name three persons who are residents of the fire district to serve on the fire district organizing Board of Directors until Fire District Board Members are elected as provided by law. Requires the Board of Supervisors after declaring the fire district formed to transmit to the County Assessor a certified copy of the description of the boundaries of the new fire district. Stipulates that a fire district formed under this bill possesses all the powers and duties of an existing fire district. Prohibits fire districts from being formed via this process after December 31, 2027.
Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:19 PM

1/22 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:14 PM

2/10 BT recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:53 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
HB2515 - Truth in taxation; bonds; notices
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Olson (R)
Summary: Requires if an election is held to change the purpose or list of capital projects authorized by prior voter approval to issue bonds pursuant to this legislation, or to extend the time to issue bonds pursuant to this legislation, the County School Superintendent to prepare an informational pamphlet that mentions The tax rate associated with each of the proposed capital improvements and the estimated cost of each capital improvement for the owner of a single family home that is valued at $100,000 and $400,000. Provides verbiage that must accompany any public notices. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:37 AM

1/17 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:12 PM

1/22 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:06 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2540 - Statewide assessment; accommodations; written form
Sponsor: Rep. James Taylor (R)
Summary: Permits a school district or charter school to administer the statewide assessment in the form of a written test pursuant to an Individualized Education Program, or a Section 504 Plan, Pursuant to state law, or to accommodate special circumstances, or for religious purposes. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:33 AM

1/17 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:14 PM

1/27 EW recommend supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:44 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2561 - Insurance; cost sharing; breast examinations
Sponsor: Rep. Michele Pena (R)
Summary: Prohibits a hospital or medical service corporation, healthcare services organization, disability insurer, group or blanket disability insurer that issues, amends, delivers or renews a policy on or after January 1, 2026 from imposing cost sharing requirements for diagnostic breast examinations and supplemental breast examinations. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:30 AM

1/17 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:25 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:42 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - Referred to Committee - Appropriations - House Appropriations

HB2576 - Notice; violation; deficiency correction
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Requires that upon initiation of an “inspection” (defined) or audit in which an Agency inspector, auditor or regulator enters any premises of a regulated person that the public official provide specific, listed information to that individual and that an inspection report include specific evidence of any alleged deficiencies. List the criteria an agency must verify before it may take any enforcement action authorized by law for any alleged deficiencies, unless an action is required by federal law. Stipulates that any “notice of violation” (defined) or opportunity to correct must be written. Requires an agency within 30 days of receiving notification from a regulated person that alleged deficiencies have been corrected, to determine whether the regulated person is in substantial compliance, and provides the criteria that must be met for the agency to take any enforcement action authorized by law. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:27 AM

1/17 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:23 PM

1/22 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:10 PM

1/24 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2639 - TPT; exemption; qualifying equipment; extension
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Extends until December 31, 2028 the deduction and applicable exemption for purchasing qualifying equipment that is purchased by a qualified business pursuant to state law for harvesting or processing qualifying forest products removed from qualifying projects as defined in state law. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 3:16 PM

1/22 Added to BT tracking 1/22 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:07 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
S - Hearing Scheduled - 03/17/2025 - Consent, Senate Floor

HB2660 - Affordable housing tax credits; extension
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Wilmeth (R)
Summary: Allows tax credits to a taxpayer for qualified projects, and qualified affordable housing projects, in the amount that the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADR) determines, pursuant to affordable housing tax credit requirements. Requires the ADR allocate $4,000,000 in tax credits for the calendar years of 2002 through 2025, and $10,000,000 in tax credits for the years 2026 through 2030 and stipulates that a credit claimed in 2026 may not be claimed until the federal FY beginning October 1, 2022. Extends selected ARS repeal dates to December 31, 2030 from December 31, 2025.
Staff 2
  01/20/2025 9:21 AM

1/17 Added to EW & BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:13 PM

1/22 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:10 PM

1/27 EW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:10 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:

HB2679 - Power; public utilities; UCC; securities
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Creates a utility securitization framework enabling “public power entities” (defined) or public service corporations to issue “transition bonds” (defined) and recover “transition costs” (defined) more efficiently. It establishes that “transition property” (defined) vests immediately in a “qualified special purpose entity,” (defined) which pledges that property as security for bonds. Outlines steps for a governing body in Arizona to transfer bond proceeds back to the public power utility or corporation and how those entities should handle the transferred funds. Designates financing charges irrevocable and unalterable by future government actions, thus assuring investors that bond repayment streams remain intact. It requires a “true-up mechanism” (defined) to ensure the correct amount of revenue is collected to cover ongoing financing costs and details how to handle collections. Stipulates that financing charges are not utility rates subject to typical regulatory review. Creates a statutory lien over “transition property” (defined) and deems any security interest automatically perfected when the financing statement is filed, preventing other liens from superseding it. Vests the courts with exclusive, expedited jurisdiction over disputes limited to potential mathematical or administrative errors in implementing the true-up mechanism, and prevents the courts from staying or halting the collection or application of the charges. Permits the bondholders to seek an immediate court order to sequester those funds under certain circumstances. Declares that transition bonds are neither obligations of the public entity nor public debt, prevents taxpayer or state funds from being used to repay them, and exempts them from specified taxes or franchise fees. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/24/2025 9:31 AM

1/23 Added to AEW & PA tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:13 PM

1/24 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2683 - Businesses; requirement to accept cash
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph Chaplik (R)
Summary: Requires a “retail business” (defined) with a physical location in Arizona to accept cash as a form of payment for goods and services with an aggregate value of $100 or less and is prohibited from charging a fee or penalty for using cash as a form of payment. Establishes penalties for violations. Does not apply to the online sale of goods or services or a written contract between two parties that dictates the acceptable form of payment. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/24/2025 9:30 AM

1/24 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 3:24 PM

PA approved opposition

Last Action:

Ch. 1, Laws 2025 (HB2688 - Internal revenue code; conformity.)
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Olson (R)
Summary: Defines “Defines Internal Revenue Code” (defined) for the purposes of computing the Arizona income tax as applying to taxable years beginning on January 1, 2025 and including all amendments up and until January 1, 2025. Includes provisions that went into effect in 2024 and excludes any changes after January 1, 2025. Stipulates that for the taxable years of December 31, 2023 through December 31, 2024, Internal Revenue Code means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and including those provisions that are retroactively effective during the taxable years beginning January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024. Strikes other applications of the Internal Revenue Code pertaining to specific years, amendments, provisions, Acts and funds. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE
Staff 2
  01/28/2025 10:48 AM

1/28 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:16 PM

2/10 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:53 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
G - Signed

HB2691 - Groundwater replenishment districts; annual dues
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: Strikes the requirement to use the most recent Plan of Operation by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) of total and projected annual replenishment obligation of all member lands to determine the amount of annual membership dues owed to the multi-county water conservation district (District). Substitutes that calculation with, for member lands, the projected groundwater use per lot, multiplied by the total number of residential, commercial and common area lots that are included in each parcel of member land. Strikes the requirement to prorate the Phoenix, Pinal, and Tucson active management area current and projected replenishment obligations of member lands, as identified by ADWR, and modifies the calculation to include all parcels of member land. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:08 PM

1/30 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:57 AM

2/11 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:55 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

HB2696 - Critical Infrastructure; foreign adversary; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Nick Kupper (R)
Summary: Prohibits the use of any software or hardware on any Arizona “critical infrastructure” (defined) that is produced by a “company” (defined) that is headquartered in, owned, or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. Prohibits any “critical communications infrastructure” (defined) in Arizona from having equipment or components manufactured in the People’s Republic of China. Requires any critical communications equipment that is currently used and manufactured by a corporation domiciled in the People’s Republic of China to be replaced by a manufacturer not domiciled in the People’s Republic of China. Defines compliance and certification procedures for equipment that must be altered or replaced pursuant to state law. Allows any communication provider that removes any communications equipment or parts to comply with this legislation to do so without having to reapply for any permits. Prohibits any government entity or vendor from entering into a contract with any contractor or company, if that company or contractor meet certain, listed criteria. Requires the Arizona Corporation Commission to publish a list of all technologies that are prohibited pursuant to this legislation and to post the list on its website. Requires all Arizona government entities to replace prohibited technologies on the posted list. Permits exceptions under specific conditions. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:07 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  03/07/2025 2:19 PM

3/7 PA recommend and approved anoppose position.

Last Action:

HB2704 - Tax; distribution; county stadium district
Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Weninger (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona State Treasurer, beginning the first day of the month following the effective date of this legislation and each month thereafter, to transmit to the County Stadium District any monies received pursuant to this legislation and to deposit those funds in the County Stadium District Fund. Defines the amounts to be transmitted and the origin of the tax amounts based on state tax amount calculations. Requires, beginning the first day of the month following the effective date of this legislation and each month thereafter, that the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADR) separately account for revenues under various category and tax classifications that are attributable to a Major League Baseball (MLB) Franchise facility owned and operated by a county stadium district, pursuant to state law. Defines what taxes are to be earmarked for the County Stadium District Fund, how those taxes are to be derived, and classified, and how taxation amounts are to be calculated, starting on October 1, 2025. Defines events and organizations responsible for excise taxes and how collected revenue is to be managed and calculated. Requires professional sports franchises to relinquish tax information for each resident and nonresident employee who rendered services in Arizona for the calendar year, and outlines penalties for noncompliance. Stipulates what funds are to be used to reconstruct, repair, equip, maintain or improve an MLB facility owned and operated by a county district. (More.) Outlines mandatory reporting requirements and how monies in the County Stadium District Fund may be used. Lists penalties for noncompliance. (More.) AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:06 PM

1/31 Added to BT & PA tracking

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:47 PM

2/6 PA recommend and approved support

Last Action:

HB2707 - Vaccination status; unprofessional conduct; policies
Sponsor: Rep. Nick Kupper (R)
Summary: Designates a health professional providing less than standard health care services, or denying health care services, based on a person’s vaccination status as an Act of Unprofessional Conduct. Prohibits a health care institution from adopting a policy that allows a health professional to deny health care or to provide health care that is less than the standard of care based on a person’s vaccination status.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:06 PM

1/31 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  02/17/2025 12:58 PM

2/17 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:18 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2722 - Public resources; expenditures; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Neal Carter (R)
Summary: Requires that all use of public monies by a “public entity” (defined) must benefit the public by intent and be for a “public purpose” (defined), is supported by “consideration” (defined), and the public entity must retain continuing control over the funds. Allows the Arizona Attorney General or a taxpayer in Arizona to file an action in a court of general jurisdiction to challenge an expenditure, loan or use of “public resources” (defined). Outlines how a plaintiff in that situation would prevail in court. Entitles this legislation the “Taxpayers Protection Act.” Modifies the chapter heading of Title 1, Chapter 5, ARS, from “Public Programs” to “Public Resources”. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:30 PM

2/5/25 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  03/07/2025 2:20 PM

3/7 PA recommend and approved an oppose position

Last Action:
S - Senate Consent Calendar - Object: Yes

HB2729 - Online exchange; groundwater sales
Sponsor: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R)
Summary: Allows someone with a grandfathered right to groundwater in the Phoenix, Tucson or Pinal Active Management Area to sell, lease or otherwise convey any portion of that right to pump groundwater or the groundwater itself to any other person in the areas mentioned. Prohibits the right to pump groundwater from one subbasin to transport and use in another subbasin. Establishes permissible uses of grandfathered water rights in the same subbasin as well as information required to be submitted to the Department of Water Resources (DWS) when a transfer of rights is occurring. Permits the DWS to create a form for appropriate notice requirements and the purchaser to access 65% of the total amount of groundwater given by the grandfathered party. Authorizes and direct the DWS to create, maintain and host on its website a water exchange for groundwater and groundwater rights to be transferred, sold, leased or otherwise conveyed to another party. The online water exchange shall be publicly accessible and shall include for each transaction the information submitted in the notices prescribed by Section 45-641(more).
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:29 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:57 AM

2/11 AEW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:55 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2731 - Big Chino subbasin; Verde River
Sponsor: Rep. Quang H. Nguyen (R)
Summary: Permits under certain conditions groundwater withdrawal from the Big Chino subbasin of the Verde River groundwater basin for transportation to the headwaters of the Verde River within the Big Chino subbasin.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:29 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:58 AM

2/11 AEW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:56 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2748 - Ticket sales; resellers; website requirements
Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Weninger (R)
Summary: Requires an “operator” to deliver an electronic ticket to the purchaser on receipt of an order confirmation.
Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:53 PM

2/6 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  03/07/2025 2:20 PM

3/7 PA recommended and approve an oppose position.

Last Action:

HB2755 - Litigation financing; requirements; attorney general
Sponsor: Rep. David Marshall, Sr. (R)
Summary: Requires litigation financiers to maintain litigation blind pools, and maintains that the existence of a litigation blind pool is evidence of compliance with this legislation. Prohibits litigation financiers, directly or indirectly, from disclosing any information pertaining to existing, pending, or future litigation, to third parties, and investor's proprietary or confidential information, or trade secrets, of any party to a funded action. Stipulates that only the Arizona Attorney General may bring a cause of action under this legislation and that if the Arizona Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe a violation of this legislation has occurred they may take one or more of several listed options and accept one or more of several listed resolutions.
Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:52 PM

2/6 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:20 PM

2/10 LRR recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:04 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2765 - Arizona teachers academy; community colleges..
Sponsor: Rep. James Taylor (R)
Summary: Modifies reporting requirements for the Arizona Board of Regents by removing the date reference and making the reporting an annual requirement. Alters the definition of “eligible postsecondary” to “eligible postsecondary institution” (defined). AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/25/2025 1:50 PM

PA is supporting based off of mirror bill SB 1247.

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2774 - Small modular reactors; co-location (Technical correction; certificate; environmental compatibility)
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Carbone (R)
Summary: Permits a principal of a school district to allow any “patriotic youth group” (defined) to address students during the first quarter of the school year and defines how that is to be managed in regards to the address, materials about the group, permissions for activities, prohibitions and follow-up by the group. Requires schools to provide equal access and may not discriminate against any patriotic group, pursuant to state law.  AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:22 AM

2/21 Added to PA agenda and approved support of S/E language pertaining to small modular reactors

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

HB2800 - Fire insurance; policy cancellation; prohibition
Sponsor: Rep. Teresa Martinez (R)
Summary: Prohibits an insurer from canceling or refusing to renew a fire insurance policy for anyone that lives within a five mile radius of a natural disaster or wildfire, if the Governor declares a state of emergency because of the event that precipitated the declaration. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  02/10/2025 6:57 PM

2/10 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  02/17/2025 12:59 PM

2/17 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:19 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

HB2823 - AHCCCS; nonopioid drugs; formulary
Sponsor: Rep. Leo Biasiucci (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Administration (Administration) to ensure that a nonopioid drug that is approved by the USFDA to treat or manage pain is not “treated less favorably” (defined) on the Administration’s drug formulary with respect to coverage relative to any opioid or narcotic drug to treat or manage pain.
Staff 2
  02/14/2025 11:12 AM

2/14 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  02/17/2025 1:04 PM

2/17 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:19 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

HB2926 - AHCCCS; eligibility (TPT reimbursement; residential development)
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Carbone (R)
Summary: Defines what taxes collected may be designated as the distribution base for the purposes of remission and distribution of monies. Requires that from October 1, 2025 through September 30, 2034, the Arizona State Treasurer remit monies to a city, town or county up to the amount determined by this legislation for “public infrastructure” (defined) improvements for the benefit of a “residential development” (defined). Lists limitations to the amount paid. Requires that within 180 days of the start of construction of buildings and improvements for a residential development that require public infrastructure improvements, the residential development file a sworn certification to the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) that states the minimum cost of the infrastructure improvement is $3,000,000 and distributes a copy of that statement to the involved city, town or county. Details the information that must be in the sworn statement and lists criteria that must be met before the statement is submitted. Requires that upon official notice from the ACA, the Arizona State Treasurer will cease payments, pursuant to state law. Requires the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADR) to separately account for revenues reported and collected under the Prime Contracting classification from any prime contractor engaged in the construction of buildings and associated improvements that are for the benefit of a residential development. (More.)
Staff 2
  02/14/2025 11:10 AM

2/14 Added to TI tracking

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:52 AM

2/21 Added to PA tracking & approved at PA to oppose S/E language pertaining to AHCCCS eligibility.

Last Action:
H - Hearing Scheduled - 03/10/2025 - Third Reading, House Floor

HB2939 - Child care; subsidies; tax credits
Sponsor: Rep. David Livingston (R)
Summary: Permits a credit against the premium tax liability incurred by an insurer, pursuant to state law, for “qualified child care expenditures” (defined) incurred by the taxpayer during the tax year and stipulates that the amount of the credit is 25% of the taxpayer’s qualified child care expenditures, or $100,000, whichever is less. Documents how to secure the credit, limitations on the credit, interaction with other taxes and reporting requirements. Requires the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions and the Arizona Department of Revenue to coordinate on rules governing the tax credit process. Establishes the Out-of-School Time Grant Program (Program) within the Arizona Department of Economic Security (ADES) to expand out-of-school time child care for specific scenarios for children ages five to twelve. Defines the purpose, scope and duties of the Program and the duties of the ADES in supporting the Program. Establishes the Out-of-School Time Grant Program Fund (Fund) and lists eligibility criteria for grants. Stipulates that the ADES must administer the fund, that appropriations for the Fund are ongoing and exempt from lapsing of appropriations provisions.  Lists required reports for the Program. Covers how to calculate tax credits pursuant to this legislation. Lists the responsibilities for the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADR) in regards to management of tax credits, including the application process, eligibility, how to calculate the credit amount and the approval process. Lists limitations of the tax credits and their applicability and prohibitions related to the same. Permits the ADR to adopt rules for processing the credits. (More.)
Staff 2
  02/14/2025 11:09 AM

2/14 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  02/18/2025 1:52 PM

2/18 EW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:20 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

HCR2003 - Expenditure limit; school districts; authorization
Sponsor: Rep. Matt Gress (R)
Summary: Authorizes upon the approval of at least 2/3 of the membership of each House of the Arizona legislature that in FY 2005-2026, school districts may spend local revenues in excess of the expenditure limitation prescribed pursuant to Article 9, section 21, constitution of Arizona.
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:26 PM

1/9 Added to BT & EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:14 PM

1/22 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:10 PM

1/27 EW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:10 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

HCR2039 - Assured water supply; legislative intent
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The Arizona House and Senate oppose administrative rule 12 Arizona Administrative Code 2623-34 and declare it contrary to Arizona statutory law and therefore, null and void. Further, the members of the legislature concur that they oppose any rule, regulation, policy or condition that runs contrary to the legislative intent of the 1980 Groundwater Management Act, or that requires an applicant demonstrate more water than is needed to meet the needs of an Assured Water Supply. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 7:44 AM

1/20 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:58 AM

2/11 AEW recommends supporting

Last Action:

HCR2044 - Minerals; metals; supporting domestic supply
Sponsor: Rep. Gail Griffin (R)
Summary: The Arizona House and Senate concur and resolve that members of the Arizona Legislature should recognize and affirm the importance of Arizona’s critical mineral resources and its mining industry at the state, national and international levels. Further, both support policies that promote domestic production, refining and recycling of critical and strategic resources, request local, state and the federal government streamline mining permits of these resources, affirm that Arizona is a business-friendly environment for mining and in developing the domestic natural resources supply chain that is critically important to the nation.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:26 PM

1/31 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:59 AM

2/11 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:56 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

SB1009 - Appropriations; nuclear emergency management fund
Sponsor: Sen. John Kavanagh (R)
Summary: Appropriates $2.617 million from the General Fund in FY 2025-2026 and $2.711 from the Nuclear Emergency Management Fund in 2026-2027 for use by the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (ADEM) and the Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADA.) Outlines how the funds shall be used, including funding 8 full-time positions in 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 at the ADEM, to develop emergency response plans by the ADA, and for the appropriate agencies and department in Maricopa County and the City of Buckeye to develop and manage Emergency Response plans. Stipulates that the above mentioned sums be assessed against any consortium of public service or municipal corporations engaged in constructing or operating a commercial nuclear generating state in Arizona. Contains Emergency Clause. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:06 PM

1/21 Added to AEW tracking 1/21 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:08 PM

1/21 AEW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:13 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1019 - Photo enforcement systems; prohibition
Sponsor: Sen. Wendy Rogers (R)
Summary: Prohibits the use of “photo enforcement systems” (defined) by law enforcement and local authorities to enforce traffic laws. Contains a legislative intent clause. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:26 PM

1/9 Added to TI tracking

Staff 2
  01/29/2025 9:42 AM

1/28 TI recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:46 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1020 - Disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon
Sponsor: Sen. Wendy Rogers (R)
Summary: Prohibits the governing board of any university, college or community college from enacting or enforcing any policy or rule that prohibited the possession of a concealed weapon by a person who possessed a valid concealed weapons permit, or that prohibited the transportation or storage of a firearm. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:27 PM

1/9 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:15 PM

1/27 EW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:44 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

SB1050 - GPLET; notice; abatement period
Sponsor: Sen. Venden "Vince" Leach (R)
Summary: Requires a government lessor to include the lease in a public database on the website of the applicable county, city or town within 30 days of entering into a lease for the occupancy of a government property improvement. Defines the information that must be included in the government lessor’s public database and on any official submissions to the County Treasurer. Requires that by February 15th of each year, the county treasurer will submit a report to the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) and requires ADOR to post the report on its website within 30 days of receipt. Defines notice requirements for a government lessor. Defines criteria for approving a lease between a prime lessee and a government lessor for which the tax is abated pursuant to state law, but that does not meet all the criteria for Arizona tax rate laws and schedules. Stipulates that this act applies to agreements entered into starting on January 1, 2026. Defines abatement limitations pertaining to development agreements for the lease of government property improvements are to be treated.  (More.) AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:01 AM

1/14 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:15 PM

1/22 BT recommends opposing

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:11 PM

1/24 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

SB1065 - Appropriation; reduction; courts
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Finchem (R)
Summary: Alters the following reductions from lump sum appropriations in fiscal year 2024-5 from $10.04 million from $386,300 for the supreme court; $4.214 million from $508,200 for the court of appeals and $19,228,400 from $180,100 for the superior court.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:13 AM

1/13 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:24 PM

1/22 LRR recommends opposing

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:10 PM

1/24 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Senate Consent Calendar - Object: Yes

SB1067 - Auditor general; appropriation (Community college districts; tax rate)
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Finchem (R)
Summary: Appropriates $2,000,000 from the Arizona State General Fund in FY 2025-2026 to the Arizona Auditor General for software to be used to conduct audits of state agencies and school districts. Exempts the appropriation from lapsing of appropriations provisions. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:00 AM

1/14 Added to BT & EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:16 PM

1/27 EW recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:45 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

SB1069 - Personal property exemption; increase
Sponsor: Sen. J.D. Mesnard (R)
Summary: Increases the exemption for property taxes for property used for agricultural purposes or Class 1 personal property that is used in a trade or business, per state law, to $500,000. Effective date is January 1, 2026. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/15/2025 11:04 AM

1/14 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:16 PM

1/22 BT recommend supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:11 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:

SB1084 - Adult education programs; revisions; appropriation
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: Appropriate $6,000,000 each from the Arizona State General Fund for FY 2025-2026 to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) for the Continuing High School and Workforce Training Program, the Adult Workforce Diploma Program Fund, and the Community College Adult Education Workforce Development Program, respectively, to be used to further each program’s mission. Permits the Arizona State Board of Education (ADBE) to approve program schools with a total projected full time enrollment of no more than 780. Requires approved program providers to report the number of currently enrolled students for whom invoices have been submitted and the number of currently enrolled students for whom invoices have not been submitted in monthly invoices pursuant to this legislation. Requires the ADE to provide a written update on the approved program providers by the last calendar day of each month and list the information that must be included in that report. Adds that eligible program applicants for adult education programs provide adult education and literacy activities to prepare adult learners for, or provide adult learners with access to, integrated education and training models, pursuant to state law. Requires the ABDE and ADE to accept applications between July 1 and June 30 annually, and to determine whether each program applicant meets the requirements of this legislation no later than six weeks after the receipt of a completed application. Adds that the ADE is required to distribute fund monies to all eligible program schools on a quarterly basis and breaks out funding allocations and limits. Defines how a program school must use the monies received pursuant to this legislation. Exempts appropriations in this legislation from lapsing of appropriations provisions. Contains an emergency clause. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:27 AM

1/20 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:17 PM

1/27 EW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:45 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1094 - Business; discrimination prohibition; social criteria
Sponsor: Sen. Jake Hoffman (R)
Summary: Prohibits financial institutions, insurers and credit reporting agencies from discriminating based on political affiliation, any social credit or other type of environmental or governmental score. In order to offer investments containing subjective standards, the standards must be fully disclosed and explained to potential customers or investors before entering into a contract. Declares this issue a matter of statewide concern. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:26 AM

1/20 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:16 PM

1/22 BT recommends opposing

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:12 PM

1/24 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - DP   - House Commerce

SB1100 - Maricopa county; division; new counties
Sponsor: Sen. Jake Hoffman (R)
Summary: Defines the boundaries of Gila, Maricopa, Pinal, Yavapai, Yuma, and La Paz Counties. Requires legislative council staff to prepare proposed legislation to conform Arizona State Statutes to this legislation for the 57th legislature, second regular session. Effective date is January 1, 2026.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:25 AM

1/20 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/23/2025 3:22 PM

1/22 LRR recommends opposing

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:11 PM

1/24 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

SB1101 - Maricopa county; new counties; division
Sponsor: Sen. Jake Hoffman (R)
Summary: Divides Maricopa County into four counties by modifying the Maricopa County boundaries and adding three new counties: Hohokam County, Mogollon County, and O'odham County. Maricopa County operations will continue in their existing form through a transition period of up to three years after the effective date of this legislation. The boards of supervisors of Hohokam, Mogollon, and O'odham Counties will be elected at a special election held within 120 days after the effective date of this legislation. Currently elected Maricopa County Supervisors continue in their capacity for the remainder of their term in whichever county their supervisory district is located. The elected boards of supervisors in the three new counties will determine an application process for municipalities to apply to be the county seat, which will be determined at a special election to be held within 120 days from the election of the boards of supervisors. The four counties are authorized to enter into a ten-year shared use agreement for the use of existing shared capital assets. The four counties are required to enter into an intergovernmental agreement for the continued operation of community colleges for at least ten years after the effective date of this legislation. Effective January 1, 2026.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:25 AM

1/20 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:24 PM

1/22 LRR recommends opposing

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:11 PM

1/24 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Senate Minority Caucus - Y

SB1144 - Jail facilities excise tax; extension
Sponsor: Sen. Kevin Payne (R)
Summary: Permits a county Board of Supervisors of any county that levies a jail facilities excise tax, pursuant to state law, by resolution before the expiration date of that tax, to call for a county wide general election to authorize the levy of a transaction privilege tax in addition to all other taxes. Upon approval by voters, the county in question shall levy, and the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADR) shall collect, the tax at rates of not more than 4% of the Transaction Privilege Tax Rate, pursuant to state law. Defines the verbiage that must be in the resolution, the schedule for the tax to be levied and the point at which the tax sunsets. Requires the State Treasurer, on a monthly basis, to transmit the net revenues collected pursuant to this legislation. Permits a county treasurer to disperse revenues from the tax only to finance construction and renovation of adult and juvenile jail facilities, maintain and operate adult and juvenile jail facilities, and fund and implement other programs designed to reduce the expense of adult and juvenile facilities. Stipulates that this legislation self-repeals on January 1st, 2028, if as of December 1, 2027, the tax has not been approved by voters. (More.) AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:21 AM

1/20 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  01/22/2025 3:17 PM

1/22 BT recommend supporting

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 2:12 PM

1/24 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
H - DP   - House Government

SB1145 - Special districts; construction; payments (Community facilities districts; prompt pay)
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Requires all contracts entered into by the Upper San Pedro Water District (District) must comply with state law. Requires a municipality or the District to refrain from using, or letting any other person or parties use, any public roadways, highways, streets, thoroughfares, easements, or rights-of-way if the municipality or the District cannot pay a contractor for work done because of insufficient funds, and the work done was infrastructure or on lands owned by Arizona, until all payments due are remitted to the appropriate parties. Requires any agreement covered in this legislation to include a provision that bond proceeds or reimbursements will not be applied to repayments for contracted work on infrastructure for the District, as certified by the contractor and the District engineer. Prohibits the District from dissolving if it has outstanding debt obligations for the installation of any infrastructure. Stipulates that this legislation applies only to revitalization district infrastructure construction work that is started after the effective date of this legislation. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 2:38 PM

1/23 Added to TI tracking

Staff 2
  01/29/2025 9:43 AM

1/28 TI recommends supporting

Last Action:
H - DPA   - House Commerce

SB1146 - Photo enforcement; traffic violations
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Requires that before a governing body operates an automated traffic enforcement safety system, that body shall enact an ordinance or regulation that authorizes the use of an automated traffic enforcement safety system, and defines what should be in that ordinance. Permits a governing body to appoint a person to serve as an agent to administer an automated traffic enforcement safety system and to enter into an agreement with an agent to install or administer an automated traffic enforcement safety system and to process notices of violation. Requires an agent to be compensated based only on the value of the equipment and services provided in supporting the automated traffic enforcement system and prohibits compensation to be based on any iteration of fines or civil penalties imposed through, or by revenue generated by, the system. Requires that before implementing an automated traffic enforcement safety system, the governing body must install temporary, erect, advanced, warning signs within 300 feet, but not less than 200 feet from any street or highway at which an automated traffic enforcement safety system is located and defines the information that must be included on the advanced warning signs and how it must be presented. Requires the governing body to follow a prescribed format for mailing citations, defines how photo evidence and the system are to be treated in court and in subsequent administration of the system and citations that are issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. (More.)
Staff 2
  01/21/2025 8:21 AM

1/20 Added to TI tracking

Staff 2
  01/29/2025 9:43 AM

1/28 TI recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:46 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

SB1200 - Mandated health coverage; JLBC; analysis
Sponsor: Sen. Venden "Vince" Leach (R)
Summary: Requires an organization or individual advocating a legislative approach that would place a restriction on the form or amount of cost sharing applied to a health plan benefit issued by an insurer, hospital, or medical, dental, or optometric service corporation, health services organization or any other health care contractor, to submit a report that assesses the social and financial impacts of the coverage or cost sharing restrictions proposed. Outlines the information that is to be included in the report. Stipulates that if the report is not completed for a legislative proposal that would mandate health coverage or that would place a restriction on the form or amount of cost sharing applied to a health plan benefit, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee shall analyze how the proposal would financially impact the state employee group health and accident coverage pursuant to state law. Lists the factors that the Joint Legislative Budget Committee must consider when performing their analysis. Prohibits a legislative proposal from being scheduled for rules hearing in the House of origin if the Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s analysis is not complete. Requires the Arizona Department of Administration and its vendors that support the state health plan to cooperate with the Joint Legislative Budget Committee for the purpose of preparing the analysis. (More.) AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 3:05 PM

1/22 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:26 PM

1/27 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:42 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
H - House 2nd Read

SB1214 - Pharmacists; independent testing; treatment
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Permits, following an authorized protocol, under certain conditions, a pharmacist to independently order, perform, and interpret tests that are authorized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and waived under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988. Permits a pharmacist to initiate treatment to eligible people, who meet related age criteria, and to have test results that indicate the need for treatment. Lists certain illnesses, conditions, or diseases that a pharmacist may treat. Defines issues that must be addressed in any statewide written protocol by the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy (Board). Requires that tests that are used be waived under the aforementioned methods or be part of an approved ADHS screening protocol. Requires a pharmacist to use the evidence based clinical guidelines published by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the Infectious Diseases Society of America, or another clinically recognized patient treatment group. Lists the criteria by which a person may be treated, circumstances where a pharmacist is required to refer a patient to the patient’s identified primary care provider, standard operating procedures for initiating and following through with treatment and required documentation that must be included in a patient’s medical record. Stipulates that this legislation does not establish a cause of action against a patient’s primary care provider for any adverse reaction, complication, or negative outcome arising from treatment. Lists prohibitions a pharmacist must observe. Lists criteria for an advisory committee to be established by the Board. Self-repeals after December 31, 2026.  (More.) AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 3:04 PM

1/22 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:30 PM

1/27 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:42 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:
H - House Minority Caucus - Y

SB1215 - Litigation; financing; consumer protection; enforcement
Sponsor: Sen. Venden "Vince" Leach (R)
Summary: Prohibits a litigation financer from directing or making any decisions with respect to the course of any action that is subject to a litigation financing agreement, or any settlement or other disposition thereof. Stipulates that the named party and counsel retain all rights to control and decision making regarding the action. Requires the court to consider the existence of litigation financing, and any conflicts of interest, when considering whether a class representative or class counsel would adequately and fairly represent the interests of the class, and when approving or appointing council to leadership positions. Lists prohibited conduct of a litigation financer, required disclosures, indemnity requirements the litigation financer is responsible for covering, penalties and enforcement jurisdictions. Applies the legislation to any civil action. Effective date is January 1, 2026. (More.) AS PASSED SENATE.  
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 3:03 PM

1/22 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  02/12/2025 10:55 AM

2/10 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:17 AM

2/21 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
H - DPA   - House Judiciary

SB1222 - Internal revenue code; conformity
Sponsor: Sen. J.D. Mesnard (R)
Summary: For the purpose of Title 42 (Taxation) for the purposes of computing income tax for taxable years staring January 1, 2024, the “Internal Revenue Code” means the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including 2023 provisions with specific adoption of retroactive effective dates, but including no changes after January 1, 2024 and provisions that are retroactively effective during 2023.
Staff 2
  01/23/2025 2:44 PM

1/22 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:16 PM

2/10 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:53 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1247 - Tobacco use; sale; minimum age (Arizona teachers academy; community colleges)
Sponsor: Sen. David C. Farnsworth (R)
Summary: Modifies reporting requirements for the Arizona Board of Regents by removing the date reference and making the reporting an annual requirement. Alters the definition of “eligible postsecondary” to “eligible postsecondary institution” (defined). AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/24/2025 9:33 AM

1/24 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:17 PM

1/27 EW recommends tentative support

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:45 PM

2/6 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1268 - Hospitals; patient immigration status; reporting
Sponsor: Sen. Wendy Rogers (R)
Summary: Requires hospitals that accept payment in compliance with the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) to include on admission or registration forms, a space for the patient to indicate their status regarding USA citizenship or presence in the USA. The statement must indicate that citizenship status does not affect patient care or result in a report to US immigration authorities. Requires each hospital to submit a quarterly report to the AHCCCS within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter and defines the criteria that must be included in the report. Requires the AHCCCS to compile that data and submit by March 1 of each year a summary report of patient breakdowns. Lists specific data that must be included in the report and defines who should receive the report. Permits the AHCCCS to adopt rules relating to the format of, and the information to be contained in, the quarterly reports. Prohibits the rules from requiring disclosure of patient names, or any other personal identifying information to the AHCCCS. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/24/2025 9:32 AM

1/24 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  01/27/2025 3:30 PM

1/27 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:43 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

SB1307 - Advanced air mobility infrastructure
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Requires the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to develop a statewide plan or update the statewide aviation plan to include vertiports and electric aircraft charging stations, and the infrastructure needs of advances in aviation technology. Requires ADOT to designate a person with expertise in advanced air mobility within ADOT as a resource for local and regional jurisdictions that are developing advances in aviation technology, including an electric power lift aircraft and electric aircraft. Requires ADOT to provide educational materials to local and regional decision-makers on the benefits of electric power lift aircraft and the advancements in aviation technology and local and regional jurisdictions with a guidebook and technical resources to support uniform planning and zoning requirements across Arizona that are related to powerlifted aircraft, electric aircrafts, and advances in aviation technology. Prohibits any political subdivision of Arizona from enacting any ordinance, regulation, or rule relating to advanced air mobility, the ownership of an advanced air mobility aircraft, or the aerial operation of an advanced air mobility aircraft, accepting a political subdivision of Arizona that controls or owns an airport, who then may adopt any of the above Regarding the takeoff, operation, or landing of an advanced air mobility aircraft, to apply within the geographic boundaries of the airport the political subdivision controls. Stipulates that this legislation applies only to electric aircraft, including eCTOL, eVtol, and a powered lift aircraft with a gross takeoff weight of £300 or more, and the capability of carrying passengers, as defined by state law. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:22 PM

1/30 Added to TI tracking

Staff 2
  02/18/2025 1:47 PM

2/18 TI recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:21 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Staff 2
  03/07/2025 2:21 PM

3/7 PA recommended and approved moving to a support position with the adopted amendments.

Last Action:
SB1347 - AHCCCS; comprehensive dental care
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Modifies dental services to mean comprehensive dental care and removes “emergency” and “and extraction.” Removes dentures as excluded prosthetic devices. Removes redundant language pertaining to exclusions from a hospital assessment fund. AS PASSED HOUSE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:18 PM

1/31 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  03/23/2025 4:49 PM

3/21 PA recommended and approved opposition

Last Action:
H - Hearing Scheduled - 03/24/2025, 2:00 PM - House HHS, HHR 4

SB1351 - Gift cards; theft; forgery
Sponsor: Sen. David Gowan (R)
Summary: Defines “gift card” (defined) and designates its theft as a Class 4 Felony. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:18 PM

1/31 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:20 PM

2/10 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:18 AM

2/21 PA approved supporting

Last Action:
H - DP   - House Judiciary

SB1357 - Department of housing; continuation.
Sponsor: Sen. Timothy "Tim" Dunn (R)
Summary: The statutory life of the Arizona Department of Housing is extended to January 1, 2030. Retroactive to July 1, 2025. Adds information required in annual reports by the Arizona Department of Housing (ADH). Requires the ADH to develop rules covering the prohibition of the manufacture, sale or possession of narcotic or dangerous drugs as criteria for participation in grant or other funding and defines what policies and procedures must be included to be in compliance with those rules. Defines the order of priorities of spending fund monies. Requires that all programs established by the ADH and funded by the Housing Trust Fund to be reviewed and approved by the Joint Legislative Council Budget Committee. Requires the ADH to develop a comprehensive performance measurement system within 12 months after the effective date of this legislation and defines what criteria must be included in that system. Requires the ADH to report any instance of fraudulent activity involving state monies to defined state leaders within 10 business days and the ADH to initiate restitution efforts within 30 days after identifying the fraudulent activity. Defines required reports the ADH must develop and distribute to state leadership. Self-repeals on January 1, 2027 and requires the Arizona Auditor General to present an 18 month sunset report for the ADH to state and legislative leadership. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:17 PM

1/31 PA is supporting based off of mirror bill HB 2209.

Last Action:

SB1358 - Charter schools; access; decision-making authority
Sponsor: Sen. David C. Farnsworth (R)
Summary: Permits, if appropriate, a “charter representative” (defined), “charter school governing body member” (defined) and “officer, director, member and partner” (defined) of a charter holder, to have access to the charter school’s students and student records, unrestricted access to the charter school’s campuses, authority to make final decisions regarding student learning in the charter school, and the safety of the charter school students and school campuses.AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:17 PM

1/31 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  02/18/2025 1:53 PM

2/18 EW recommend supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:20 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1380 - Property tax oversight commission; continuation
Sponsor: Sen. J.D. Mesnard (R)
Summary:   The statutory life of the Property Tax Oversight Commission is extended six months to January 1, 2034. Retroactive to July 1, 2025. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  01/31/2025 6:16 PM

1/31 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:17 PM

2/10 BT recommends support

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:54 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1512 - Utilization review; prior authorization; requirements
Sponsor: Sen. Kevin Payne (R)
Summary: Requires approved prior authorizations be honored by a new health care insurer, Pharmacy Benefit Manager or Utilization Review Agent by a new insurer for the first 90 days of the new coverage, unless the service is categorically excluded under the new health insurance plan. Requires a former health insurance provider to notify a new provider of prior authorizations. Permits the new entities to perform a prior authorization review during that 90 day period. Exempts a “member” (defined) with a prior authorization for a previously authorized medical service from change in coverage for the remainder of the member’s plan year. Requires approved prior authorizations be honored by a health care insurer, Pharmacy Benefit Manager or Utilization Review Agent if the same approved the prior authorization and the member changes products or plans under the same insurer for 90 days. Requires a health care insurer, Pharmacy Benefit Manager or Utilization Review Agent to post on its website all prior authorization requirements, restrictions and a detailed description of clinical criteria written in a language that a layman can understand. Lists a process for the same to institute a new prior authorization requirement or restriction. Stipulates that a prior authorization for “chronic or long-term care condition” (defined) remains valid for at least one year from the date the prior authorization is granted and that a prior authorization not covered by that is valid for at least six months from the date it was granted.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:53 PM

2/5/25 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  02/17/2025 1:05 PM

2/17 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:19 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
S - Senate 2nd Read

SB1514 - Employer-employee arbitration; contract; disputes
Sponsor: Sen. Kevin Payne (R)
Summary: Stipulates that a warehouse employee’s written agreement to arbitrate employment-related disputes is valid, enforceable and irrevocable unless certain legal or equity mitigating circumstances exist. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:53 PM

2/5/2 Added to LRR tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:21 PM

2/10 LRR recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:18 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1539 - TPT; exemption; clean rooms
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Carroll (R)
Summary: Adds the sale of “clean room equipment” (defined) to the list of categories that must be deducted from the tax base. Exempts the same from personal property taxation.
Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:55 PM

2/6 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  02/17/2025 10:44 AM

2/17 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:54 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
S - Senate Majority Caucus - Y

SB1551 - Workers' compensation; disability; definitions
Sponsor: Sen. Venden "Vince" Leach (R)
Summary: Expands the definition of “interested party” to include third-party administrators or any authorized representative, ensuring they can access relevant information on a worker’s compensation case. Adds dental care and related supplies to the Commission’s fee schedule for injured employees, and it exempts from standard procurement rules any contracts needed to develop and publish that dental fee schedule.  Requires the Industrial Commission to publish its updated fee schedule online rather than in the Administrative Register, making it more readily available to stakeholders. Raises the monthly supplemental allowance paid to employees with dependents during total disability from $25 to $100, thereby increasing financial support for injured workers and their families.AS PASSED SENATE
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:38 PM

2/5/25 Added to EW tracking

Staff 2
  02/18/2025 1:58 PM

2/18 EW recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:21 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
H - DPA   - House Commerce

SB1558 - Water technology study committee
Sponsor: Sen. Thomas "T.J." Shope (R)
Summary: Establishes the Water Technology Study Committee and defines its membership, mission, responsibilities and scope of work. Requires the Committee to develop and submit a report by December 31, 2026, regarding Committee activities with recommendations and establishes the distribution list for that report. Self-repeals on January 1, 2027.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:38 PM

2/5/25 Added to AEW tracking

Staff 2
  02/14/2025 9:18 AM

2/14 AEW recommend supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:56 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:
SB1582 - Earned wage access; providers; license
Sponsor: Sen. J.D. Mesnard (R)
Summary: Adds that for an “earned wage access services” (defined) provider the fee is $1,000 for an annual assessments and renewal “fee” (defined). Lists individuals, licensees and transactions that are exempted from the requirements of this legislation. Prohibits a provider, located in Arizona or another state, from providing earned wage access services unless they are licensed by the Arizona Department of Banking and Financial Institutions (ADBFI). Outlines the licensing process, including what information a licensee must provide, registration, information maintenance, and mandatory bonding requirements. Outlines the process of bringing a claim against a bond, including legal liability, and permissions. Defines the internal requirements and processes of the ABDFI when processing applications, including approval and denial processes and rules governing eligibility for a license. Covers license privileges, requirements and posting rules. Requires the ABDFI keep confidential all information contained in an application for a license and any information gathered during an applicant’s character, general fitness and financial responsibility investigation. Defines provider requirements, responsibilities, prohibitions, and duties. Establishes what earned wage access services comprise and do not comprise under this legislation. Describes reporting requirements for providers and the information that must be included in reports. Provides reasons for a denial of a renewal application. Permits the Arizona Attorney General to investigate noncompliance with this legislation and permits the ABDFI to adopt rules as needed. Requires a two-thirds majority of the Arizona legislature to be enacted and the Governor’s signature or three quarters of the legislature if the Governor vetoes the bill.  
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:37 PM

2/5/25 Added to BT tracking

Staff 2
  02/10/2025 7:19 PM

2/10 BT recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 8:54 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1623 - Appropriations; graduate medical education program
Sponsor: Sen. Carine Werner (R)
Summary: Appropriates $10,000,000 from the Arizona State General Fund and $18,768,700 in expenditure authority in FY 2025-2026 to the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System administration for graduate medical education programs to address Arizona’s shortage of physicians. Specifies how the funds may be used and permits the Arizona State General Fund to supplement, but not supplant, voluntary payments made from political subdivisions for payments to hospitals that operate a graduate medical education program. Permits the funds to be used for start-up costs related to the development of a new residency program. Exempts the appropriations from lapsing of appropriations provisions. AS PASSED SENATE.
Staff 2
  02/05/2025 2:34 PM

2/5/25 Added to IH tracking

Staff 2
  02/17/2025 1:05 PM

2/17 IH recommends supporting

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:20 AM

2/21 PA approved support

Last Action:

SB1720 - Clozapine; access; treatment protocols
Sponsor: Sen. Lauren Kuby (D)
Summary:   Requires a “health insurer” (defined), Arizona Department of Corrections, and Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), and any contractors to any of those three, to cover treatment and services that are unique to members, subscribers, inmates or patients, who are prescribed Clozapine. Sets the billing rate as is appropriate, defines treatment procedures that must be followed, lists treatment and services covered, defines required training, and lists permissions and limitations in administering Clozapine treatment, coverage, and alternatives. Lists Clozapine as a part of long-term system care services, as needed and pursuant to state law. Requires the AHCCCS administration to develop a comprehensive behavioral health service system that includes treatment as needed with Clozapine.
Staff 2
  02/17/2025 12:58 PM

2/17/25 IH recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/25/2025 9:20 AM

2/21 PA approved opposition

Last Action:

SCR1002 - Photo enforcement systems; prohibition
Sponsor: Sen. Wendy Rogers (R)
Summary: Bans local authorities and state agencies from using automated photo enforcement systems (defined) to identify excessive speed violations or failures to obey traffic control devices. More. 
Staff 2
  01/10/2025 3:28 PM

1/9 Added to TI tracking

Staff 2
  01/29/2025 9:43 AM

1/28 TI recommends opposing

Staff 2
  02/09/2025 4:47 PM

2/6 PA approved opposition

Last Action:
H - Hearing Scheduled - 03/26/2025, 8:00 AM - House GOV, HHR 5